Crate interrupts

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Basic interrupt handling structures and simple handler routines.





  • The IRQ number reserved for CPU-local timer interrupts, which Theseus currently uses for preemptive task switching.
  • The offset added to the first IRQ: 0x20.


  • The single system-wide Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT).


  • Deregisters an interrupt handler, making it available to the rest of the system again.
  • Send an end of interrupt signal, notifying the interrupt chip that the given interrupt request irq has been serviced.
  • Initializes the interrupt subsystem and sets up an initial Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT).
  • Similar to init(), but for APs to call after the BSP has already invoked init().
  • Returns true if the given address is the exception handler in the current IDT for any exception in which the CPU pushes an error code onto the stack.
  • Registers an interrupt handler at the given IRQ interrupt number.
  • Allocates and returns an unused interrupt number and sets its handler function.

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