Crate text_terminal

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A text-mode terminal emulator.

This provides basic support for various standards of control codes and escape sequences:

  • ANSI
  • VT100
  • xterm

This terminal emulator also supports Unicode characters; see the unicode-segmentation crate. This support stems from our usage of Rust Strings, which must be valid UTF-8.

The text terminal emulator has several main responsibilities:

  • Managing the scrollback buffer, a string of characters that should be printed to the screen.
  • Determining which parts of that buffer should be displayed and using the window manager to do so.
  • Handling the command line user input.
  • Displaying the cursor at the right position
  • Handling events delivered from the window manager.



  • The set of ASCII values that are non-printable characters and require special handling by a terminal emulator.
  • A wrapper type around Color that is used in crate::AnsiStyleCodes to set the background color (behind displayed text).
  • A column index or number of columns in the x-dimension of the screen viewport.
  • A wrapper type around Color that is used in crate::AnsiStyleCodes to set the foreground color (for displayed text).
  • The flags that describe the formatting of a given text character.
  • An entire unbroken line of characters (Units) that has been written to a terminal.
  • An index of a Line in the scrollback buffer.
  • The set of “frequently-supported” commands to switch terminal modes.
  • A row index or number of rows in the y-dimension of the screen viewport.
  • A 2D position value that represents a point on the screen, in which (0, 0) represents the top-left corner. Thus, a valid ScreenPoint must fit be the bounds of the current ScreenSize.
  • The size of a terminal screen, expressed as the number of columns (x dimension) by the number of rows (y dimension).
  • The scrollback buffer is stored as a row-major vector of Lines.
  • A 2D position value that represents a point in the scrollback buffer, in which (0, 0) represents the Unit at the first column of the first line.
  • The style of text, including formatting and color choice, for the character(s) displayed in a Unit.
  • A representation of the difference between two Styles.
  • The set of options that determine terminal behavior.
  • A text-based terminal that supports the ANSI, xterm, VT100, and other standards.
  • A terminal backend that is simply a character device TTY endpoint (a full terminal emulator) on the other side, which only allows writing a stream of bytes to it.
  • A wrapper type around Color that is used in crate::AnsiStyleCodes to set the color of the underline for underlined text.
  • A Unit is a single character block displayed in the terminal.
  • An index of a Unit in a Line in the scrollback buffer.


  • The set of all possible ANSI escape codes for setting text style.
  • Whether a Carriage Return subsequently issues a Line Feed (newline / new line).
  • The character stored in each Unit of the terminal screen.
  • The set of colors that can be displayed by a terminal emulator.
  • A pending action to display content from the terminal’s scrollback buffer on the screen.
  • Whether text characters printed to the terminal will be inserted before other characters or will replace/overwrite existing characters.
  • Whether a Line Feed (newline / new line) subsequently issues a Carriage Return.
  • A pending action to scroll the screen up or down by a number of rows.
  • The position (“viewport”) that the terminal is currently scrolled to.
  • Whether the screen cursor is visible.
  • Whether or not to wrap cursor movement or text display to the previous/next line or row.
