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Basic driver for accessing ATA drives (IDE) as a storage device.
The primary struct of interest is AtaDrive
Support for DMA is not yet implemented, but the slower port-based I/O is fully supported.
- A single ATA drive, either a master or a slave, which sits on one of two buses within a larger IDE controller.
- The possible error values found in an ATA drive’s error port.
- An ATA drive’s firmware version is an 8-byte string.
- Information that describes an ATA drive, obtained from the response to an identify command.
- An ATA drive’s model number is a 40-byte string.
- An ATA drive’s serial number is a 20-byte string.
- The possible status values found in an ATA drive’s status port.
- A single IDE controller has two buses with up to two drives attached to each bus, for a total of up to four drives.
- The possible types of drive devices that can be attached to an IDE controller via ATA.