Crate mod_mgmt

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  • Routines for parsing the nano_core, the fully-linked, already-loaded base kernel image, in other words, the code that is currently executing. As such, it performs no loading, but rather just creates metadata that represents the existing kernel code that was loaded by the bootloader, and adds those functions to the system map.
  • Routines for replacing the crates that comprise the nano_core, i.e., the base kernel image.


  • An application crate that has been loaded into a CrateNamespace.
  • This struct represents a namespace of crates and their “global” (publicly-visible) symbols. A crate namespace struct is basically a container around many crates that have all been loaded and linked against each other, completely separate and in isolation from any other crate namespace (although a given crate may be shared across multiple namespaces).
  • Represents a single crate whose object file has been loaded and linked into at least one CrateNamespace.
  • Represents a section that has been loaded and is part of a LoadedCrate. The containing SectionType enum determines which type of section it is.
  • The parts of a LoadedSection that may be mutable, i.e., only the parts that could change after a section is initially loaded and linked.
  • A wrapper around a Directory reference that offers special convenience functions for getting and inserting crate object files into a directory.
  • The information necessary to calculate and write a relocation value, based on a source section and a target section, in which a value based on the location of the source section is written somwhere in the target section.
  • A wrapper around an Arc<str>: an immutable shared reference to a string slice.
  • A representation that the owner A of (a LoadedSection object containing) this struct depends on the given section B in this struct. The dependent section A is not specifically included here; since it’s the owner of this struct, it’s implicit that it’s the dependent one.
  • A representation that the section A in this struct depends on the owner B of (the LoadedSection object containing) this struct. The target dependency B is not specifically included here; it’s implicitly the owner of this struct.


  • The type of a crate, based on its object file naming convention. This naming convention is only used for crate object files that come from bootloader-provided modules, which the Theseus makefile assigns at build time.
  • A type that can be converted into a crate object file.
  • The possible types of sections that can be loaded from a crate object file.



  • Returns the crate name that is derived from a crate object file path.
  • Create a new application CrateNamespace that uses the default application directory and is structured atop the given recursive_namespace. If no recursive_namespace is provided, the default initial kernel namespace will be used.
  • Returns a reference to the symbol table in the given ElfFile.
  • Parses the given symbol string to try to find the name of the parent crate that contains the symbol. Depending on the symbol, there may be multiple potential parent crates; if so, they are returned in order of likeliness: the first crate name in the symbol is most likely to contain it. If the parent crate cannot be determined (e.g., a no_mangle symbol), then an empty Vec is returned.
  • Same as get_containing_crate_name(), but returns the substring Ranges of where the parent crate names are located in the given demangled_full_symbol string.
  • Returns a reference to the default kernel namespace, which must exist because it contains the initially-loaded kernel crates. Returns None if the default namespace hasn’t yet been initialized.
  • Returns the top-level directory that contains all of the namespaces.
  • Initializes the module management system based on the bootloader-provided modules, and creates and returns the default CrateNamespace for kernel crates.
  • Crate names must be only alphanumeric characters, an underscore, or a dash.
  • Replaces the old_crate_name substring in the given demangled_full_symbol with the given new_crate_name, if it can be found, and if the parent crate name matches the old_crate_name. If the parent crate name can be found but does not match the expected old_crate_name, then None is returned.
  • Returns the default name for the given SectionType as a StrRef.
  • Actually write the value of a relocation entry.

Type Aliases