Crate storage_device

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Trait definitions for storage devices and storage controllers.

All storage devices should implement the StorageDevice trait, such as hard disk drives, optical discs, SSDs, etc. All storage controllers should implement the StorageController trait, such as AHCI controllers and IDE controllers.

Below is a quick example of how to iterate through available StorageDevices on the system and usage of the StorageDevice trait methods, as well as how to downcast it into a specific concrete type, such as an AtaDrive.

if let Some(controller) = storage_manager::storage_controllers().next() {
    if let Some(sd) = controller.lock().devices().next() {
            // Call `StorageDevice` trait methods directly
            let mut locked_sd = sd.lock();
            debug!("Found drive with size {}, {} sectors", locked_sd.size_in_bytes(), locked_sd.size_in_blocks());
            // Here we downcast the `StorageDevice` into an `AtaDrive` so we can call `AtaDrive` methods.
            if let Some(ata_drive) = locked_sd.as_any_mut().downcast_mut() {
                debug!("      drive was master? {}", ata_drive.is_master());
                // Read 10 sectors from the beginning of the drive (at offset 0)
                let mut initial_buf: [u8; 5120] = [0; 5120]; // 10 sectors of bytes
                let sectors_read = ata_drive.read_pio(&mut initial_buf[..], 0).unwrap();
                debug!("[SUCCESS] sectors_read: {:?}", sectors_read);
                debug!("{:?}", core::str::from_utf8(&initial_buf));
                // Write 3 sectors to the drive
                let mut write_buf = [0u8; 512*3];
                for b in write_buf.chunks_exact_mut(16) {
                let bytes_written = ata_drive.write_pio(&write_buf[..], 2).unwrap();
                debug!("WRITE_PIO {:?}", bytes_written);
        // Read 10 sectors from the drive using the `StorageDevice` trait methods.
        let mut after_buf: [u8; 5120] = [0; 5120];
        let sectors_read = sd.lock().read_blocks(&mut after_buf[..], 0).unwrap();
        debug!("{:X?}", &after_buf[..]);
        debug!("{:?}", core::str::from_utf8(&after_buf));
        trace!("POST-WRITE READ_BLOCKS {} sectors", sectors_read);


Note that if other crates are using a storage device through a block cache, the cache does not own the storage device and cache validity is questionable. Be careful in that case. See the warning in the block_cache module.


  • A trait that represents a storage controller, such as an AHCI controller or IDE controller.
  • A trait that represents a storage device, such as hard disks, removable drives, SSDs, etc.

Type Aliases

  • A trait object wrapped in an Arc and Mutex that allows arbitrary storage controllers to be shared in a thread-safe manner.
  • A trait object wrapped in an Arc and Mutex that allows arbitrary storage devices to be shared in a thread-safe manner.