Crate random

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A cryptographically secure source of randomness.

The randomness is provided by a global, cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator. More specifically, rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng.

The CSPRNG is instantiated using lazy_static and hence it is initialized lazily on the first request for randomness. It attempts to obtains a seed from the following sources in order:

  • TSC

An error will be logged if the TSC is used as it is not a high quality source of randomness.

If a consumer requires one-off randomness, next_u32, next_u64, or fill_bytes should be used. Otherwise, init_rng should be used to seed a local PRNG, which can then be used as a source of randomness. Using a local PRNG avoids contention on the global CSPRNG and allows for PRNGs better suited for the task (e.g. non-crypto PRNGs).


  • Error type of random number generators
