Running Theseus in a Virtual Machine

Using a virtual machine emulator is by far the easiest way to develop, test, and run Theseus.


Our primary test environment and recommended emulator is QEMU, which is the default choice for running Theseus using our built-in Makefile commands. For example, the make run target automatically runs Theseus in a QEMU virtual machine after it finishes the build process.

The top-level Makefile specifies the configuration parameters for Theseus in QEMU, such as system memory, attached storage devices, serial log output, and more. All of these parameters start with QEMU_ and can be overridden on the command line, or indirectly by setting environment variables such as net or host, or by editing the Makefile itself.


In older versions of Theseus, we used both Bochs and QEMU for testing. Bochs is supported but its configuration may be out of date; the configuration is found in the bochsrc.txt (direct link) file in the root repository directory.

Bochs runs quite slowly and supports virtualization of far fewer hardware devices than QEMU; thus, we do not recommend using it. However, you can try running Theseus in Bochs using the Makefile target for it:

make bochs

VMware Workstation Player

We have tested Theseus on VMWare Workstation and it generally works out of the box. However, there are some options that you may wish to enable to improve performance and offer access to more devices in Theseus.

First, download VMware Workstation Player here, which can be installed and used for free for non-commercial work.

On Linux, you will download a .bundle file, which then needs to executed in a terminal. For example:

chmod +x VMware-Player-<...>.bundle
sudo ./VMware-Player-<...>.bundle

After opening VMware Workstation Player, do the following:

  1. Click Create A New Virtual Machine.
  2. In the New Virtual Machine Wizard window, choose Use ISO image: and browse to select the Theseus ISO image, which should be located in the build directory, e.g., build/theseus-x86_64.iso. Then, click Next.
  3. Under Guest Operating System, choose the Other button and then Other 64-bit from the drop-down menu. Then, click Next.
  4. Set the Name: field to "Theseus" or whatever you prefer. Click Next.
  5. Disk size doesn't matter; click Next.
  6. Click Customize Hardware, and then select the following settings:
    • 512MB of memory (less may work, but the minimum is on the order of 10-20 MB).
    • 2 or more processor cores.
    • Select Virtualize CPU performance counters if you want to use them (not required).
    • If you want to obtain Theseus's log output, then you need to add a serial port connection:
      1. Click Add... on the bottom left to add a new hardware type, then Serial Port.
      2. Under Connection, select Use output file: and then choose a destination file name for the serial log to be written to. For example, /home/your_user/theseus_vmware.log.
      3. Click Save.
  7. Click Finish, and then Close.

Theseus should boot up after a few seconds. You can view the serial log output by catting or opening the file:

cat /home/your_user/theseus_vmware.log


We have tested Theseus on VirtualBox and it generally works out of the box. However, there are some options that you may wish to enable to improve performance and offer access to more devices in Theseus.

First, download VirtualBox here and install it on your system. On Ubuntu and other Debian-based Linux distributions, you will download a .deb file that you can open in the Software Installer or install on the command line like so:

sudo dpkg -i virtualbox-<...>.deb

After opening VirtualBox, do the following:

  1. Click New.
  2. In the Create Virtual Machine window, set Type to Other and Version to Other/Unknown (64-bit), choose a name, and then click Next.
  3. In the next window, choose 512MB of memory (less may work, but the minimum is on the order of 10-20 MB).
  4. Continue clicking next through all of the storage disk options, those do not matter.
  5. Back at the main window, right click on your new Theseus machine and choose Settings.
  6. In the left sidebar, click Storage and then select the 💿 Empty option to choose an image for the optical disk.
    Click on the 💿▾ button on the right side of the Optical Drive: option, select Choose a disk file, and then navigate to the Theseus ISO image in the build/ directory, e.g., build/theseus-x86_64.iso.
  7. Under System in the left sidebar, go to the Processor tab and select 2 (or more) processors.
  8. If you want to obtain Theseus's log output, then you need to add a serial port connection:
    1. Click Serial Ports in the left sidebar, under the Port 1 tab, select the Enable Serial Port checkbox.
    2. Under the Port Mode drop-down menu, select Raw File option.
    3. In the Path/Address text box, type the destination file name for the serial log to be written to. For example, /home/your_user/theseus_vbox.log.
    4. Click Ok.
  9. In the main window, select the Theseus VM entry from the left sidebar and then click Start on the top bar.

Theseus should boot up after a few seconds. You can view the serial log output by catting or opening the file:

cat /home/your_user/theseus_vbox.log