Module task::scheduler

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  • Adds the given task to the least busy run queue.
  • Adds the given task to the specified CPU’s run queue.
  • Adds the given task to the current CPU’s run queue.
  • Returns the busyness of the scheduler on the given CPU, in which higher values indicate a busier scheduler.
  • Modifies the given task’s priority to be the maximum of its priority and the current task’s priority.
  • Returns the priority of the given task.
  • Removes the given task from all run queues.
  • Removes the given task from the specified CPU’s run queue.
  • Removes the given task from the current CPU’s run queue.
  • Yields the current CPU by selecting a new Task to run next, and then switches to that new Task.
  • Sets the scheduler policy for the given CPU.
  • Sets the priority of the given task.
  • Returns the list of tasks running on each CPU.