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//! Module for resolving memory and function imports from WebAssembly module into state machine.
//! Subset of functionality borrowed from tomaka/redshirt:
//! <https://github.com/tomaka/redshirt/blob/4df506f68821353a7fd67bb94c4223df6b683e1b/kernel/core/src/scheduler/vm.rs>
use alloc::string::String;
use core::{cell::RefCell, convert::TryFrom as _};
use wasmi::{Module, Signature};
pub enum NewErr {
/// Error in the interpreter.
/// If a "memory" symbol is provided, it must be a memory.
/// A memory object has both been imported and exported.
/// If a "__indirect_function_table" symbol is provided, it must be a table.
pub struct ProcessStateMachine {
/// Original module, with resolved imports.
pub module: wasmi::ModuleRef,
/// Memory of the module instantiation.
/// Right now we only support one unique `Memory` object per process. This is it.
/// Contains `None` if the process doesn't export any memory object, which means it doesn't use
/// any memory.
pub memory: Option<wasmi::MemoryRef>,
/// Table of the indirect function calls.
/// In WASM, function pointers are in reality indices in a table called
/// `__indirect_function_table`. This is this table, if it exists.
pub indirect_table: Option<wasmi::TableRef>,
impl ProcessStateMachine {
/// Creates a new process state machine from the given module.
/// The closure is called for each import that the module has. It must assign a number to each
/// import, or return an error if the import can't be resolved. When the VM calls one of these
/// functions, this number will be returned back in order for the user to know how to handle
/// the call.
/// A single main thread (whose user data is passed by parameter) is automatically created and
/// is paused at the start of the "_start" function of the module.
pub fn new(
module: &Module,
mut symbols: impl FnMut(&str, &str, &Signature) -> Result<usize, ()>,
) -> Result<Self, NewErr> {
struct ImportResolve<'a> {
func: RefCell<&'a mut dyn FnMut(&str, &str, &Signature) -> Result<usize, ()>>,
memory: RefCell<&'a mut Option<wasmi::MemoryRef>>,
impl<'a> wasmi::ImportResolver for ImportResolve<'a> {
fn resolve_func(
module_name: &str,
field_name: &str,
signature: &wasmi::Signature,
) -> Result<wasmi::FuncRef, wasmi::Error> {
let closure = &mut **self.func.borrow_mut();
let index = match closure(module_name, field_name, signature) {
Ok(i) => i,
Err(_) => {
return Err(wasmi::Error::Instantiation(
format!("Couldn't resolve `{module_name}`:`{field_name}`")
Ok(wasmi::FuncInstance::alloc_host(signature.clone(), index))
fn resolve_global(
_module_name: &str,
_field_name: &str,
_global_type: &wasmi::GlobalDescriptor,
) -> Result<wasmi::GlobalRef, wasmi::Error> {
"Importing globals is not supported yet",
fn resolve_memory(
_module_name: &str,
_field_name: &str,
memory_type: &wasmi::MemoryDescriptor,
) -> Result<wasmi::MemoryRef, wasmi::Error> {
let mut mem = self.memory.borrow_mut();
if mem.is_some() {
return Err(wasmi::Error::Instantiation(String::from(
"Only one memory object is supported yet",
let new_mem = wasmi::MemoryInstance::alloc(
.map(|p| wasmi::memory_units::Pages(usize::try_from(p).unwrap())),
**mem = Some(new_mem.clone());
fn resolve_table(
_module_name: &str,
_field_name: &str,
_table_type: &wasmi::TableDescriptor,
) -> Result<wasmi::TableRef, wasmi::Error> {
"Importing tables is not supported yet",
let (not_started, imported_memory) = {
let mut imported_memory = None;
let resolve = ImportResolve {
func: RefCell::new(&mut symbols),
memory: RefCell::new(&mut imported_memory),
let not_started =
wasmi::ModuleInstance::new(module, &resolve).map_err(NewErr::Interpreter)?;
(not_started, imported_memory)
// TODO: WASM has a special "start" instruction that can be used to designate a function
// that must be executed before the module is considered initialized. It is unclear whether
// this is intended to be a function that for example initializes global variables, or if
// this is an equivalent of "_start". In practice, Rust never seems to generate such as
// "start" instruction, so for now we ignore it. The code below panics if there is such
// a "start" item, so we will fortunately not blindly run into troubles.
let module = not_started.assert_no_start();
let memory = if let Some(imported_mem) = imported_memory {
if module
.map_or(false, |m| m.as_memory().is_some())
return Err(NewErr::MultipleMemoriesNotSupported);
} else if let Some(mem) = module.export_by_name("memory") {
if let Some(mem) = mem.as_memory() {
} else {
return Err(NewErr::MemoryIsntMemory);
} else {
let indirect_table = if let Some(tbl) = module.export_by_name("__indirect_function_table") {
if let Some(tbl) = tbl.as_table() {
} else {
return Err(NewErr::IndirectTableIsntTable);
} else {
let state_machine = ProcessStateMachine {