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//! Support for broadcasting and handling TLB shootdown IPIs.
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32, Ordering};
use irq_safety::hold_interrupts;
use memory::PageRange;
use cpu::cpu_count;
use core::hint::spin_loop;
use sync_irq::IrqSafeRwLock;
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
use memory_x86_64::tlb_flush_virt_addr;
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
use memory_aarch64::tlb_flush_virt_addr;
/// The number of remaining CPUs that still need to handle the current TLB shootdown IPI.
static TLB_SHOOTDOWN_IPI_COUNT: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
/// This lock ensures only one round of TLB shootdown IPIs can occur concurrently.
static TLB_SHOOTDOWN_IPI_LOCK: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
/// The range of virtual pages to be flushed for a TLB shootdown IPI.
static TLB_SHOOTDOWN_IPI_PAGES: IrqSafeRwLock<Option<PageRange>> = IrqSafeRwLock::new(None);
/// Initializes data, functions, and structures for the TLB shootdown.
pub fn init() {
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
/// Handles a TLB shootdown IPI requested by another CPU.
/// There is no need to invoke this directly, it will be called by an IPI interrupt handler.
/// ## Return
/// Returns `true` if virtual addresses were actually flushed, `false` otherwise.
pub fn handle_tlb_shootdown_ipi() -> bool {
let pages_to_invalidate = TLB_SHOOTDOWN_IPI_PAGES.read().clone();
if let Some(pages) = pages_to_invalidate {
// Note: logging in a NMI (x86_64) or FIQ (aarch64) context can cause deadlock,
// so this should only be used sparingly to help debug problems with TLB shootdowns.
// log::trace!("handle_tlb_shootdown_ipi(): CPU {}, pages: {:?}", apic::current_cpu(), pages);
for page in pages {
TLB_SHOOTDOWN_IPI_COUNT.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
} else {
/// Broadcasts a TLB shootdown IPI to all other CPUs, causing them to flush (invalidate)
/// the given virtual pages in their TLBs.
/// This is invoked by the memory subsystem as needed, e.g., on remap/unmap operations.
fn broadcast_tlb_shootdown(pages_to_invalidate: PageRange) {
// skip sending IPIs if there are no other cores running
let cpu_count = cpu_count();
if cpu_count <= 1 {
if false {
log::trace!("send_tlb_shootdown_ipi(): from CPU {:?}, cpu_count: {}, {:?}", cpu::current_cpu(), cpu_count, pages_to_invalidate);
// interrupts must be disabled here, because this IPI sequence must be fully synchronous with other cores,
// and we wouldn't want this core to be interrupted while coordinating IPI responses across multiple cores.
let _held_ints = hold_interrupts();
// acquire lock
// TODO: add timeout!!
loop {
if TLB_SHOOTDOWN_IPI_LOCK.compare_exchange_weak(
).is_ok() {
*TLB_SHOOTDOWN_IPI_PAGES.write() = Some(pages_to_invalidate);
TLB_SHOOTDOWN_IPI_COUNT.store(cpu_count - 1, Ordering::Relaxed); // -1 to exclude this core
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] {
let my_lapic = apic::get_my_apic()
.expect("BUG: broadcast_tlb_shootdown(): couldn't get LocalApic");
// use NMI, since it will interrupt everyone forcibly and result in the fastest handling
my_lapic.write().send_nmi_ipi(apic::LapicIpiDestination::AllButMe); // send IPI to all other cores but this one
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
// wait for all other cores to handle this IPI
// it must be a blocking, synchronous operation to ensure stale TLB entries don't cause problems
// TODO: add timeout!!
while TLB_SHOOTDOWN_IPI_COUNT.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0 {
// clear TLB shootdown data
// release lock
TLB_SHOOTDOWN_IPI_LOCK.store(false, Ordering::Release);
if false {
log::warn!("send_tlb_shootdown_ipi(): from CPU {:?}, complete", cpu::current_cpu());
/// Interrupt Handler for TLB Shootdowns on aarch64
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
extern "C" fn tlb_shootdown_ipi_handler(_exc: &interrupts::ExceptionContext) -> interrupts::EoiBehaviour {
let expected = handle_tlb_shootdown_ipi();
assert!(expected, "Unexpected TLB Shootdown IPI!");