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#[macro_use] extern crate std;
extern crate alloc;
// #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; // for lazy static initialization
extern crate spin;
extern crate atomic_linked_list;
// #[macro_use] extern crate mopa;
// #[macro_use] mod downcast_rs_no_std;
// use downcast_rs_no_std::Downcast;
// Any trait allows dynamic type checks
use core::any::{Any, TypeId};
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering};
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use spin::{Once};
use alloc::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use atomic_linked_list::atomic_map::AtomicMap;
/// Thanks to Rust's lack of a base type like Java's Object,
/// we have to use this dumbass List structure of Box<Any>,
/// in which what we actually add to the List is not the type T itself,
/// but rather an Arc<T> that itself is wrapped in the Box.
/// In summary, Any = Arc<T>, and Box<Any> = Box<Arc<T>>
/// in order for us to obtain weak references to that specific type T.
struct SystemStateList( pub AtomicMap<TypeId, Box<dyn Any>> );
impl SystemStateList {
fn new() -> SystemStateList {
SystemStateList( AtomicMap::new() )
// /// A convenience method that converts Weak<SystemState> to Arc<S>.
// /// This function takes a Weak pointer to a generic object that implements the `SystemState` Trait
// /// and returns a strong Arc reference to the given specific subtype `S`.
// /// Returns None if the
// pub fn upgrade_downcast<'a, S: SystemState>(weak_ptr: &'a Weak<SSData>) -> Option<&'a S> {
// /*
// let strong = weak_ptr.upgrade();
// match strong {
// Some(d) => d.downcast_ref::<S>(),
// _ => None,
// }
// */
// None
// // weak_ptr.upgrade().map( |p| { p.downcast_ref::<S>().unwrap() } )
// // let strong = weak_ptr.upgrade().unwrap();
// // strong.downcast_ref::<S>()
// }
/// A key-value store containing all of the system-wide states,
/// of which there is only one instance of each (underlying storage is an AtomicMap, backed by an AtomicLinkedList).
/// Instead of wrapping the entire SYSTEM_STATE map in a coarse-grained global lock (RwLock or Mutex),
/// the caller can use fine-grained locking to protect each element individually.
/// This design permits individual modules to retain Weak Arc references to their individual data elements
/// without having to constantly ask the data store module to get and re-insert a module's state.
static SYSTEM_STATE: Once<SystemStateList> = Once::new();
pub fn init() {
SYSTEM_STATE.call_once( || {
/// Inserts a new SystemState-implementing type into the map.
// /// If the map did not previously have a SystemState of this type, `None` is returned.
// /// If the map did previously have one, the value is updated, and the old value is returned.
pub fn insert_state<S: Any>(state: S) -> Option<S> {
let old_val: Option<Box<dyn Any>> = SYSTEM_STATE.get().expect("SYSTEM_STATE uninited").0.insert(
Box::new( Arc::new(state) ) // Arc<S> is the type that is represented by Any
// now we have the old value, we need to downcast it from Any to S,
// and then obtain a single-count Arc<S> from that &Arc<S>,
// while we achieve by cloning the &Arc<S> and then letting it drop out of scope.
let solo_arc = match old_val {
Some(g) => g.downcast_ref::<Arc<S>>().map(Arc::clone),
_ => None,
// now that this Arc is a single reference, unwrap it to take ownership of its inner S
solo_arc.and_then( |s_arc| Arc::try_unwrap(s_arc).ok())
/// A thread-safe cached reference to a system-wide state.
/// Internally, this contains a Weak pointer to `S`,
/// which is upgraded / updated whenenver the caller invokes `get()`.
pub struct SSCached<S: Any> ( AtomicPtr<Option<Weak<S>>> );
impl<S: Any> SSCached<S> {
/// Tries to upgrade the internal Weak pointer to a Strong (Arc) pointer.
/// If successful, the weak pointer is still valid, so we return the `Arc<S>`.
/// If not, the current internal Weak reference is None, so we try to reaquire it.
/// If it cannot be reacquired, there is currently not a system-wide state of type `S`,
/// so we return None.
pub fn get(&self) -> Option<Arc<S>> {
// this is the VERY common case, simply loading the cached weak pointer and upgrading it
// SAFE: because we're the only ones able to access this AtomicPtr
let val: &Option<Weak<S>> = unsafe{ &*self.0.load(Ordering::Acquire) };
if let Some(ref v) = val {
if let Some(arc) = v.upgrade() {
// weird structure, because we only want to return if upgrade works!
return Some(arc);
// remove this when we support real fault tolerance
panic!("In state_store SSCached::get(): reached a fault tolerance condition; cached SystemState was None!");
// here: cached value was none, so try to get it again
let new_state = get_state_internal::<S>();
let (new_cached_val, return_val) = match new_state {
Some(ns_weak) => ( Some(Weak::clone(&ns_weak)), ns_weak.upgrade() ), // NOTE: I haven't been able to fully test this yet
_ => (None, None)
// update the cached pointer to the new value
let old_ptr = self.0.swap(Box::into_raw(Box::new(new_cached_val)), Ordering::Release);
// clean up the old cached value to allow it to be dropped
// SAFE: we are the only ones touching this AtomicPtr
unsafe {
let _ = Box::from_raw(old_ptr);
/// Returns a Weak reference to the SystemState of the requested type `S`,
/// which the caller can downcast into the specific type `S`
/// by invoking downcast_ref() on the data inside the Weak<> wrapper.
/// It's safe for the caller to save/cache the returned value.
pub fn get_state<S: Any>() -> SSCached<S> {
SSCached( AtomicPtr::new(Box::into_raw(Box::new(get_state_internal::<S>()))) )
fn get_state_internal<S: Any>() -> Option<Weak<S>> {
SYSTEM_STATE.get().expect("SYSTEM_STATE uninited").0
.get(&TypeId::of::<S>()) // get the Option<Arc<Any>> value
.and_then( |g| g.downcast_ref::<Arc<S>>()) // if it's Some(g), then downcast g to S
.map( |dcast_arc| Arc::downgrade(dcast_arc)) // transform result of downcast to weak ptr
// --------------- TESTING BELOW ----------------------
struct TestStruct {
data: u32,
extra: u64,
struct Red (u64);
struct Green (u64);
// To run this: cargo test statetest -- --nocapture
fn statetest() {
// add some things to SYSTEM_STATE
println!("here1 ");
let res = insert_state(Red(32));
println!("here2, res = {:?} ", res);
let res = insert_state(Green(42));
println!("here3, res = {:?} ", res);
let oldred = insert_state(Red(55));
println!("oldred = {:?}", oldred);
let res = insert_state(TestStruct{
data: 45,
extra: 239874,
println!("here4, res = {:?} ", res);
// try to retrieve those things from the SYSTEM_STATE
let red = get_state::<Red>().get();
println!("here5 ");
let green = get_state::<Green>().get();
println!("here6 ");
let test = get_state::<TestStruct>().get();
println!("here7 ");
let rr: Option<Arc<Red>> = get_state().get();
println!("r: {:?} g: {:?} t: {:?}, rr: {:?}", red, green, test, rr);
// let redred: &Red = red.downcast_ref().expect();
// let greengreen: &Green = green.downcast_ref().expect();
// let testtest: &TestStruct = test.downcast_ref::<TestStruct>().expect();