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//! Manages preemption on a per-CPU basis.
//! Supports enabling and disabling preemption for the purpose of
//! safe task state management, e.g., through preemption-safe locks.
#![feature(negative_impls, thread_local)]
use cpu::CpuId;
/// A reference to the preemption counter for the current CPU (in CPU-local storage).
// NOTE: This offset must be kept in sync with `cpu_local::PerCpuField`.
#[cls_macros::cpu_local(cls_dep = false)]
static PREEMPTION_COUNT: u8 = 0;
/// Prevents preemption (preemptive task switching) from occurring
/// until the returned guard object is dropped.
/// If this results in a transition from preemption being enabled to being disabled
/// on this CPU, the local timer interrupt used for preemptive task switches
/// will also be disabled until preemption is re-enabled.
pub fn hold_preemption() -> PreemptionGuard {
/// Prevents preemption (preemptive task switching) from occurring
/// until the returned guard object is dropped.
/// ## Usage notes
/// Callers should use [`hold_preemption()`] instead of this function.
/// This is a "lightweight" version of that function that does not
/// disable this CPU's local timer interrupt used for preemptive task switches.
/// Thus, it is only for select contexts where we are very briefly
/// disabling preemption.
pub fn hold_preemption_no_timer_disable() -> PreemptionGuard {
/// The internal routine for disabling preemption.
/// If the const argument `DISABLE_TIMER` is `true`, the local timer interrupt
/// will be disabled upon a transition from preemption being enabled to being disabled.
fn hold_preemption_internal<const DISABLE_TIMER: bool>() -> PreemptionGuard {
let cpu_id = cpu::current_cpu();
let prev_val = PREEMPTION_COUNT.fetch_add(1);
let guard = PreemptionGuard {
preemption_was_enabled: prev_val == 0,
// When transitioning from preemption being enabled to disabled,
// (optionally) disable the local timer interrupt used for preemptive task switching.
if DISABLE_TIMER && guard.preemption_was_enabled {
// log::trace!(" CPU {}: disabling local timer interrupt", cpu_id);
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
.expect("BUG: hold_preemption() couldn't get local APIC")
} else if prev_val == u8::MAX {
// Overflow occurred and the counter value wrapped around, which is a bug.
panic!("BUG: Overflow occurred in the preemption counter for CPU {}", cpu_id);
/// A guard type that ensures preemption is disabled as long as it is held.
/// Call [`hold_preemption()`] to obtain a `PreemptionGuard`.
/// Preemption *may* be re-enabled when this guard is dropped,
/// but not necessarily so, because other previous functions
/// in the call stack may have already acquired a `PreemptionGuard`.
/// This type does not implement `Send` because it is invalid
/// to move it across a "thread" boundary (into a different task).
/// More specifically, it is invalid to move a `PreemptionGuard` across
/// CPUs; this error condition is checked for when dropping it.
pub struct PreemptionGuard {
/// The ID of the CPU on which preemption was held.
/// This is mostly used for strict sanity checks to ensure that
/// a guard isn't created on one CPU and then dropped on a different CPU.
cpu_id: CpuId,
/// Whether preemption was enabled when this guard was created.
preemption_was_enabled: bool,
impl !Send for PreemptionGuard { }
impl PreemptionGuard {
/// Returns whether preemption was originally enabled when this guard was created.
/// # Return
/// * `true`: indicates that the caller function/task holding this guard
/// was the one that caused the transition from preemption
/// being enabled on this CPU to being disabled.
/// * `false`: indicates that preemption was already disabled
/// and that no transition occurred when the caller function/task
/// obtained this guard.
pub fn preemption_was_enabled(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the ID of the CPU on which this guard was created.
pub fn cpu_id(&self) -> CpuId {
impl Drop for PreemptionGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let cpu_id = cpu::current_cpu();
self.cpu_id == cpu_id,
"PreemptionGuard::drop(): BUG: CPU IDs did not match! \
Task unexpectedly migrated from CPU {} to CPU {}.",
let prev_val = PREEMPTION_COUNT.fetch_sub(1);
// If the previous counter value was 1, that means the current value is 0,
// which means we are transitioning from preemption being disabled to enabled on this CPU.
// Thus, we re-enable the local timer interrupt used for preemptive task switching.
if prev_val == 1 {
// log::trace!("CPU {}: re-enabling local timer interrupt", cpu_id);
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
.expect("BUG: PreemptionGuard::drop() couldn't get local APIC")
} else if prev_val == 0 {
// Underflow occurred and the counter value wrapped around, which is a bug.
panic!("BUG: Underflow occurred in the preemption counter for CPU {}", cpu_id);
/// Returns `true` if preemption is currently enabled on this CPU.
/// Note that unless preemption or interrupts are disabled, this value can't be used as a lock
/// indicator or property. It is just a snapshot that offers no guarantee that preemption will
/// continue to be enabled or disabled immediately after returning.
pub fn preemption_enabled() -> bool {