1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
//! Basic support for waiting using the Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) clock.
//! Use the `pit_clock` crate for a more fully-featured PIT interface,
//! including enabling interrupts.
extern crate spin;
#[macro_use] extern crate log;
extern crate port_io;
use port_io::Port;
use spin::Mutex;
/// Port for Channel 0; used for PIT interrupts.
pub const CHANNEL0: u16 = 0x40;
/// Port for Channel 1, which does not exist and should NOT be used.
const _CHANNEL1: u16 = 0x41;
/// Port for Channel 2; technically the speaker for beeps,
/// but is also used for waiting in `pit_wait()`.
const CHANNEL2: u16 = 0x42;
/// Port for the PIT command register.
const COMMAND_REGISTER: u16 = 0x43;
/// the timer's default frequency is 1.19 MHz
pub const PIT_DEFAULT_DIVIDEND_HZ: u32 = 1193182;
pub const PIT_MINIMUM_FREQ: u32 = 19;
pub static PIT_COMMAND: Mutex<Port<u8>> = Mutex::new( Port::new(COMMAND_REGISTER) );
pub static PIT_CHANNEL_0: Mutex<Port<u8>> = Mutex::new( Port::new(CHANNEL0) );
static PIT_CHANNEL_2: Mutex<Port<u8>> = Mutex::new( Port::new(CHANNEL2) );
/// Waits (blocking) for the given number of `microseconds` using the PIT Channel 2.
/// This uses a separate PIT clock channel so it doesn't affect PIT interrupts.
/// ## Arguments
/// * `microseconds`: the number of microseconds to wait, max value 55555.
pub fn pit_wait(microseconds: u32) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let divisor = PIT_DEFAULT_DIVIDEND_HZ / (1000000/microseconds);
if divisor > (u16::max_value() as u32) {
error!("pit_wait(): the chosen wait time {}us is too large, max value is {}!", microseconds, 1000000/PIT_MINIMUM_FREQ);
return Err("microsecond value was too large");
// SAFE because we're simply configuring the PIT clock, and the code below is correct.
unsafe {
let port_60 = Port::<u8>::new(0x60);
let port_61 = Port::<u8>::new(0x61);
// see code example: https://wiki.osdev.org/APIC_timer
let port_61_val = port_61.read();
port_61.write(port_61_val & 0xFD | 0x1); // sets the speaker channel 2 to be controlled by PIT hardware
PIT_COMMAND.lock().write(0b10110010); // channel 2, access mode: lobyte/hibyte, hardware-retriggerable one shot mode, 16-bit binary (not BCD)
// set frequency; must write the low byte first and then the high byte
PIT_CHANNEL_2.lock().write(divisor as u8);
// read from PS/2 port 0x60, which acts as a short delay and acknowledges the status register
let _ignore: u8 = port_60.read();
PIT_CHANNEL_2.lock().write((divisor >> 8) as u8);
// reset PIT one-shot counter
let port_61_val = port_61.read() & 0xFE;
port_61.write(port_61_val); // clear bit 0
port_61.write(port_61_val | 0x1); // set bit 0
// here, PIT channel 2 timer has started counting
// wait for PIT timer to reach 0, which is tested by checking bit 5
while port_61.read() & 0x20 != 0 { }