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//! Defines the receive and transmit queues that store a ring of DMA descriptors and related information.
//! Receive and transmit queues are used across all NICs to keep track of incoming and outgoing packets.
//! HW queues used by the NIC only consist of the ring of DMA descriptors.
//! The SW queues defined here hold the ring of DMA descriptors that it shares with the HW,
//! as well as other information such as the buffers received from the queues,
//! the tail register for each queue and the cpu the queue is mapped to.
#[macro_use] extern crate log;
extern crate alloc;
extern crate memory;
extern crate intel_ethernet;
extern crate nic_buffers;
extern crate cpu;
use alloc::{
use memory::{create_contiguous_mapping, BorrowedSliceMappedPages, Mutable, MMIO_FLAGS};
use intel_ethernet::descriptors::{RxDescriptor, TxDescriptor};
use nic_buffers::{ReceiveBuffer, ReceivedFrame, TransmitBuffer};
use cpu::CpuId;
/// The register trait that gives access to only those registers required for receiving a packet.
/// The Rx queue control registers can only be accessed by the physical NIC.
pub trait RxQueueRegisters {
fn set_rdbal(&mut self, value: u32);
fn set_rdbah(&mut self, value: u32);
fn set_rdlen(&mut self, value: u32);
fn set_rdh(&mut self, value: u32);
fn set_rdt(&mut self, value: u32);
/// The register trait that gives access to only those registers required for sending a packet.
/// The Tx queue control registers can only be accessed by the physical NIC.
pub trait TxQueueRegisters {
fn set_tdbal(&mut self, value: u32);
fn set_tdbah(&mut self, value: u32);
fn set_tdlen(&mut self, value: u32);
fn set_tdh(&mut self, value: u32);
fn set_tdt(&mut self, value: u32);
/// A struct that holds all information for one receive queue.
/// There should be one such object per queue.
pub struct RxQueue<S: RxQueueRegisters, T: RxDescriptor> {
/// The number of the queue, stored here for our convenience.
pub id: u8,
/// Registers for this receive queue
pub regs: S,
/// Receive descriptors
pub rx_descs: BorrowedSliceMappedPages<T, Mutable>,
/// The number of receive descriptors in the descriptor ring
pub num_rx_descs: u16,
/// Current receive descriptor index
pub rx_cur: u16,
/// The list of rx buffers, in which the index in the vector corresponds to the index in `rx_descs`.
/// For example, `rx_bufs_in_use[2]` is the receive buffer that will be used when `rx_descs[2]` is the current rx descriptor (rx_cur = 2).
pub rx_bufs_in_use: Vec<ReceiveBuffer>,
pub rx_buffer_size_bytes: u16,
/// The queue of received Ethernet frames, ready for consumption by a higher layer.
/// Just like a regular FIFO queue, newly-received frames are pushed onto the back
/// and frames are popped off of the front.
/// Each frame is represented by a `Vec<ReceiveBuffer>`, because a single frame can span multiple receive buffers.
/// TODO: improve this? probably not the best cleanest way to expose received frames to higher layers
pub received_frames: VecDeque<ReceivedFrame>,
/// The cpu which this queue is mapped to.
/// This in itself doesn't guarantee anything, but we use this value when setting the cpu id for interrupts and DCA.
pub cpu_id: Option<CpuId>,
/// Pool where `ReceiveBuffer`s are stored.
pub rx_buffer_pool: &'static mpmc::Queue<ReceiveBuffer>,
/// The filter id for the physical NIC filter that is set for this queue
pub filter_num: Option<u8>
impl<S: RxQueueRegisters, T: RxDescriptor> RxQueue<S,T> {
/// Polls the queue and removes all received packets from it.
/// The received packets are stored in the receive queue's `received_frames` FIFO queue.
pub fn poll_queue_and_store_received_packets(&mut self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let mut cur = self.rx_cur as usize;
let mut receive_buffers_in_frame: Vec<ReceiveBuffer> = Vec::new();
let mut _total_packet_length: u16 = 0;
while self.rx_descs[cur].descriptor_done() {
// get information about the current receive buffer
let length = self.rx_descs[cur].length();
_total_packet_length += length as u16;
// error!("poll_queue_and_store_received_packets {}: received descriptor of length {}", self.id, length);
// Now that we are "removing" the current receive buffer from the list of receive buffers that the NIC can use,
// (because we're saving it for higher layers to use),
// we need to obtain a new `ReceiveBuffer` and set it up such that the NIC will use it for future receivals.
let new_receive_buf = match self.rx_buffer_pool.pop() {
Some(rx_buf) => rx_buf,
None => {
warn!("NIC RX BUF POOL WAS EMPTY.... reallocating! This means that no task is consuming the accumulated received ethernet frames.");
// if the pool was empty, then we allocate a new receive buffer
let len = self.rx_buffer_size_bytes;
let (mp, phys_addr) = create_contiguous_mapping(len as usize, MMIO_FLAGS)?;
ReceiveBuffer::new(mp, phys_addr, len, self.rx_buffer_pool)?
// actually tell the NIC about the new receive buffer, and that it's ready for use now
// Swap in the new receive buffer at the index corresponding to this current rx_desc's receive buffer,
// getting back the receive buffer that is part of the received ethernet frame
let mut current_rx_buf = self.rx_bufs_in_use.swap_remove(cur);
current_rx_buf.set_length(length as u16)?; // set the ReceiveBuffer's length to the size of the actual packet received
// move on to the next receive buffer to see if it's ready for us to take
self.rx_cur = (cur as u16 + 1) % self.num_rx_descs;
self.regs.set_rdt(cur as u32);
if self.rx_descs[cur].end_of_packet() {
let buffers = core::mem::take(&mut receive_buffers_in_frame);
} else {
warn!("NIC::poll_queue_and_store_received_packets(): Received multi-rxbuffer frame, this scenario not fully tested!");
cur = self.rx_cur as usize;
/// Returns the earliest received ethernet frame.
pub fn return_frame(&mut self) -> Option<ReceivedFrame> {
/// A struct that holds all information for a transmit queue.
/// There should be one such object per queue.
pub struct TxQueue<S: TxQueueRegisters, T: TxDescriptor> {
/// The number of the queue, stored here for our convenience.
pub id: u8,
/// Registers for this transmit queue
pub regs: S,
/// Transmit descriptors
pub tx_descs: BorrowedSliceMappedPages<T, Mutable>,
/// The number of transmit descriptors in the descriptor ring
pub num_tx_descs: u16,
/// Current transmit descriptor index
pub tx_cur: u16,
/// The cpu which this queue is mapped to.
/// This in itself doesn't guarantee anything but we use this value when setting the cpu id for interrupts and DCA.
pub cpu_id: Option<CpuId>,
impl<S: TxQueueRegisters, T: TxDescriptor> TxQueue<S,T> {
/// Sends a packet on the transmit queue
/// # Arguments:
/// * `transmit_buffer`: buffer containing the packet to be sent
pub fn send_on_queue(&mut self, transmit_buffer: TransmitBuffer) {
self.tx_descs[self.tx_cur as usize].send(transmit_buffer.phys_addr(), transmit_buffer.length());
// update the tx_cur value to hold the next free descriptor
let old_cur = self.tx_cur;
self.tx_cur = (self.tx_cur + 1) % self.num_tx_descs;
// update the tdt register by 1 so that it knows the previous descriptor has been used
// and has a packet to be sent
self.regs.set_tdt(self.tx_cur as u32);
// Wait for the packet to be sent
self.tx_descs[old_cur as usize].wait_for_packet_tx();