1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305
//! Completion Queues (CQ) are circular buffers used by the HCA to post completion reports upon completion of a work request.
//! This module defines the layout of an CQ, the context used to initialize an CQ and related functions.
//! (PRM Section 8.18: Completion Queues)
use core::{
use bit_field::BitField;
use zerocopy::{U32, FromBytes};
use volatile::Volatile;
use byteorder::BigEndian;
use memory::{PhysicalAddress, MappedPages, BorrowedSliceMappedPages, Mutable, BorrowedMappedPages};
use num_enum::TryFromPrimitive;
use crate::{
const CQE_OPCODE_SHIFT: u32 = 4;
/// The data structure containing CQ initialization parameters.
/// It is passed to the HCA at the time of CQ creation.
/// (PRM Section 8.18.10: Completion Queue Context)
#[derive(FromBytes, Default)]
pub(crate) struct CompletionQueueContext {
/// A multi-part field:
/// * `status`: occupies bits [31:28]
/// * `cc`: if set all the CQE's are collapsed to the first, occupies bit 20
/// * `oi`: overrun ignore, allows CQE to be overwritten rather than generating an error, occupies bit 17
/// * `st`: event delivery state machine, occupies bits [11:8]
status: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
_padding1: u32,
/// This field must be set to zero
page_offset: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
/// A multi-part field:
/// * `log_cq_size`: Log (base 2) of the CQ size (in entries), occupies bits [28:24]
/// * `uar_page`: UAR page this CQ can be accessed through, occupies bits [23:0]
uar_log_cq_size: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
cq_max_count_period: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
/// EQ this CQ reports completion events to.
c_eqn: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
/// Log (base 2) of page size in units of 4KiB
log_page_size: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
_padding2: u32,
last_notified_index: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
last_solicit_index: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
/// Consumer counter. The counter is incremented for each CQE polled from the CQ.
consumer_counter: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
/// Producer Counter. The counter is incremented for each CQE that is written by the HW to the CQ.
producer_counter: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
_padding3: u64,
/// Upper 4 bytes of the physical address of the [`CompletionQueueDoorbellRecord`]
dbr_addr_h: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
/// Lower 4 bytes of the physical address of the [`CompletionQueueDoorbellRecord`]
dbr_addr_l: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
const _: () = assert!(core::mem::size_of::<CompletionQueueContext>() == 64);
impl fmt::Debug for CompletionQueueContext {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
.field("status", &self.status.read().get())
.field("page_offset", &self.page_offset.read().get())
.field("uar_log_cq_size", &self.uar_log_cq_size.read().get())
impl CompletionQueueContext {
/// Create and initialize the fields of the CQ context.
/// The CQ context is then passed to the HCA when creating the CQ.
/// # Arguments
/// * `uar_page`: UAR page the CQ can be accessed through.
/// * `cq_size`: number of entries in the CQ.
/// * `c_eqn`: number of the EQ this CQ reports completion events to.
/// * `db_addr`: physical address of the [`CompletionQueueDoorbellRecord`].
/// * `collapsed`: set to true if all CQE's are collapsed to the first.
pub fn init(uar_page: u32, cq_size: u32, c_eqn: u8, db_addr: PhysicalAddress, collapsed: bool) -> CompletionQueueContext {
const COLLAPSE_CQE: u32 = 1 << 20;
const OVERRUN_IGNORE: u32 = 1 << 17;
// set all fields to zero
let mut ctxt = CompletionQueueContext::default();
let mut status = OVERRUN_IGNORE;
if collapsed {
status |= COLLAPSE_CQE;
let uar = uar_page & UAR_MASK;
let size = (libm::log2(cq_size as f64) as u32 & LOG_QUEUE_SIZE_MASK) << LOG_QUEUE_SIZE_SHIFT;
ctxt.uar_log_cq_size.write(U32::new(uar | size));
ctxt.c_eqn.write(U32::new(c_eqn as u32));
let log_page_size = log_page_size(cq_size * core::mem::size_of::<CompletionQueueEntry>() as u32);
ctxt.log_page_size.write(U32::new(log_page_size << LOG_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT));
ctxt.dbr_addr_h.write(U32::new((db_addr.value() >> 32) as u32));
ctxt.dbr_addr_l.write(U32::new(db_addr.value() as u32));
/// Offset that this context is written to in the mailbox buffer
pub(crate) fn mailbox_offset() -> usize { 0 }
#[derive(Debug, TryFromPrimitive, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum CQEOpcode {
Requester = 0x0,
ResponderRDMAWriteWithImmediate = 0x1,
ResponderSend = 0x2,
ResponderSendWithImmediate = 0x3,
ResponderSendWithInvalidate = 0x4,
ResizeCq = 0x5,
SignatureError = 0xC, // PRM ERROR: says its 0x12 but thats not possible with 4 bits
RequesterError = 0xD,
ResponderError = 0xE,
InvalidCQE = 0xF,
enum CQEFormat {
NoInlineData = 0x0,
InlineData32 = 0x1,
InlineData64 = 0x2,
CompressedCQE = 0x3,
/// The layout of an entry in the CQ buffer.
/// (PRM Section CQE Format)
#[derive(FromBytes, Debug, Default)]
pub struct CompletionQueueEntry {
eth_wqe_id: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
lro_tcp_win: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
lro_ack_seq_num: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
rx_hash_result: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
ml_path: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
slid_smac: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
rqpn: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
vid: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
srqn_user_index: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
flow_table_metadata: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
_padding1: u32,
/// Byte count of data transferred. Can be used to find length of received packets.
byte_count: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
timestamp_h: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
timestamp_l: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
/// A multi-part field:
/// * `send_wqe_opcode/rx_drop_counter`: the send WQE opcode or the number of dropped packets
/// because of no RCV WQE since the last CQE, occupies bits \[31:24\]
flow_tag: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
/// A multi-part field:
/// * `wqe_counter`: wqe_counter of the WQE completed, occupies bits \[31:16\]
/// * `signature`: byte-wise XOR of CQE, occupies bits \[15:8\]
/// * `opcode`: a [`CQEOpcode`] value, occupies bits \[7:4\]
/// * `cqe_format`: a [`CQEFormat`] value, occupies bits \[3:2\]
/// * `se`: solicited event. This CQE cause EQE generation for solicited event, occupies bit 1
/// * `owner`: owner of the entry, occupies bit 0.
/// The value indicating SW ownership is flipped every time CQ wraps around, starting with 0.
owner: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
const _: () = assert!(core::mem::size_of::<CompletionQueueEntry>() == 64);
impl CompletionQueueEntry {
pub fn init(&mut self) {
// Snabb initializes the CQE but setting all the bits. I do not think that is correct.
// In section 23.9.1: CREATE_CQ it stated that only the opcode and owner bit need to be set
// set all fields to zero
*self = CompletionQueueEntry::default();
let invalid_cqe = (CQEOpcode::InvalidCQE as u32) << CQE_OPCODE_SHIFT;
self.owner.write(U32::new(invalid_cqe | HW_OWNERSHIP));
/// Return the WQE opcode value of the WQE completed
pub(crate) fn get_send_wqe_opcode(&self) -> Result<WQEOpcode, &'static str> {
const WQE_OPCODE_SHIFT: u32 = 24;
WQEOpcode::try_from((self.flow_tag.read().get() >> WQE_OPCODE_SHIFT) as u8)
.map_err(|_e| "Invalid WQE opcode in the CQE")
/// Return the WQE counter value for the WQE completed
pub(crate) fn get_wqe_counter(&self) -> u16 {
const WQE_COUNTER_SHIFT: u32 = 16;
(self.owner.read().get() >> WQE_COUNTER_SHIFT) as u16
/// Returns true if the ownership bit is set
pub(crate) fn get_owner(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the WQE entry opcode
pub(crate) fn get_opcode(&self) -> CQEOpcode {
CQEOpcode::try_from((self.owner.read().get() >> 4 & 0xF) as u8)
/// Returns the length of the received packet
pub(crate) fn get_pkt_len(&self) -> u32 {
/// Prints out the fields of a CQE in the format used by other drivers (e.g. Linux, Snabb)
pub fn dump(&self, i: usize) {
debug!("CQE {}", i);
unsafe {
let ptr = self as *const CompletionQueueEntry as *const u32;
debug!("{:#010x} {:#010x} {:#010x} {:#010x}", (*ptr).to_be(), (*ptr.offset(1)).to_be(), (*ptr.offset(2)).to_be(), (*ptr.offset(3)).to_be());
debug!("{:#010x} {:#010x} {:#010x} {:#010x}", (*ptr.offset(4)).to_be(), (*ptr.offset(5)).to_be(), (*ptr.offset(6)).to_be(), (*ptr.offset(7)).to_be());
debug!("{:#010x} {:#010x} {:#010x} {:#010x}", (*ptr.offset(8)).to_be(), (*ptr.offset(9)).to_be(), (*ptr.offset(10)).to_be(), (*ptr.offset(11)).to_be());
debug!("{:#010x} {:#010x} {:#010x} {:#010x} \n", (*ptr.offset(12)).to_be(), (*ptr.offset(13)).to_be(), (*ptr.offset(14)).to_be(), (*ptr.offset(15)).to_be());
/// A structure containing information of recently-posted CQ commands
#[derive(FromBytes, Default)]
pub struct CompletionQueueDoorbellRecord {
/// Consumer counter of the last polled CQE.
/// It points to the next CQE to be polled.
update_ci: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
/// Consumer Counter for arming CQ
arm_ci: Volatile<U32<BigEndian>>,
const _: () = assert!(core::mem::size_of::<CompletionQueueDoorbellRecord>() == 8);
/// A data structure that contains the CQ buffer
/// and is used to interact with the CQ once initialized.
pub struct CompletionQueue {
/// Physically-contiguous completion queue entries
pub(crate) entries: BorrowedSliceMappedPages<CompletionQueueEntry, Mutable>,
/// Doorbell record for this CQ
doorbell: BorrowedMappedPages<CompletionQueueDoorbellRecord, Mutable>,
/// CQ number that is returned by the [`CommandOpcode::CreateCq`] command
cqn: Cqn,
impl CompletionQueue {
/// Creates a completion queue by mapping the buffer as a slice of [`CompletionQueueEntry`]s.
/// Each CQE is set to an initial state.
/// # Arguments
/// * `entries_mp`: memory that is to be transformed into a slice of CQEs.
/// The starting physical address should have been passed to the HCA when creating the CQ.
/// * `num_entries`: number of entries in the CQ
/// * `doorbell_mp`: memory that is to be transformed into a [`CompletionQueueDoorbellRecord`].
/// The starting physical address should have been passed to the HCA when creating the CQ.
/// * `cqn`: CQ number returned by the HCA
pub fn init(
entries_mp: MappedPages,
num_entries: usize,
doorbell_mp: MappedPages,
cqn: Cqn
) -> Result<CompletionQueue, &'static str> {
let mut entries = entries_mp.into_borrowed_slice_mut::<CompletionQueueEntry>(0, num_entries)
.map_err(|(_mp, err)| err)?;
let mut doorbell = doorbell_mp.into_borrowed_mut(0)
.map_err(|(_mp, err)| err)?;
for entry in entries.iter_mut() {
*doorbell = CompletionQueueDoorbellRecord::default();
Ok( CompletionQueue { entries, doorbell, cqn } )
/// Checks if a packet is transmitted by comparing the `wqe_counter` with the value in the CQE.
/// If it is, then prints out the WQE opcode and counter.
pub fn check_packet_transmission(&mut self, entry_num: usize, wqe_counter: u16) {
let entry = &self.entries[entry_num];
let counter = entry.get_wqe_counter();
if wqe_counter == counter {
trace!("opcode: {:?}, wqe_counter: {}", entry.get_send_wqe_opcode(), counter);
/// Prints out all entries in the CQ
pub fn dump(&self) {
for (i, entry) in self.entries.iter().enumerate() {