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extern crate alloc;
use log::{error, debug};
use memory::{MmiRef, MappedPages, VirtualAddress, InitialMemoryMappings, EarlyIdentityMappedPages};
use kernel_config::memory::{KERNEL_HEAP_START, KERNEL_HEAP_INITIAL_SIZE};
use boot_info::{BootInformation, Module};
use alloc::{
use heap::HEAP_FLAGS;
use stack::Stack;
use no_drop::NoDrop;
use bootloader_modules::BootloaderModule;
/// Initializes the virtual memory management system and returns a MemoryManagementInfo instance,
/// which represents the initial (kernel) address space.
/// This consumes the given BootInformation, because after the memory system is initialized,
/// the original BootInformation will be unmapped and inaccessible.
/// Returns the following tuple, if successful:
/// 1. The kernel's new MemoryManagementInfo,
/// 2. the MappedPages of the kernel's text section,
/// 3. the MappedPages of the kernel's rodata section,
/// 4. the MappedPages of the kernel's data section,
/// 5. the initial stack for this CPU (e.g., the BSP stack) that is currently in use,
/// 6. the list of bootloader modules obtained from the given `boot_info`,
/// 7. the kernel's list of identity-mapped [`MappedPages`],
/// which must not be dropped until all AP (additional CPUs) are fully booted,
/// but *should* be dropped before starting the first application.
pub fn init_memory_management(
boot_info: impl BootInformation,
kernel_stack_start: VirtualAddress,
) -> Result<(
), &'static str>
// Initialize memory management: paging (create a new page table), essential kernel mappings
let InitialMemoryMappings {
mut page_table,
text: text_mapped_pages,
rodata: rodata_mapped_pages,
data: data_mapped_pages,
stack_guard: stack_guard_page,
stack: stack_pages,
boot_info: boot_info_mapped_pages,
identity: identity_mapped_pages,
additional: additional_mapped_pages,
} = memory::init(&boot_info, kernel_stack_start)?;
// Immediately after initializing the memory subsystem, we will have switched
// to a new page table, so we must re-initialize the early printer because
// it would otherwise try to invalidly access the framebuffer via virtual memory
// that has since been unmapped.
// We should not issue any log or print statements until re-initializing this.
if let Some(ref fb_info) = boot_info.framebuffer_info() {
early_printer::init(fb_info, Some(&mut page_table)).unwrap_or_else(|_e|
error!("Failed to re-init early_printer after memory::init(); \
proceeding with init. Error: {:?}", _e
// Ok, now we can safely print or log messages.
debug!("Done with memory::init(); new page table: {:?}", page_table);
// After this point, at which `memory::init()` has returned new objects that represent
// the currently-executing code/data/stack, we must ensure they aren't dropped if an error occurs,
// because that will cause them to be auto-unmapped.
// That will then cause all execution to stop and a processor fault/reset.
// We use the `NoDrop` type wrapper to accomplish this.
let stack = match Stack::from_pages(stack_guard_page, stack_pages.into_inner()) {
Ok(s) => NoDrop::new(s),
Err((_stack_guard_page, stack_mp)) => {
let _stack_mp = NoDrop::new(stack_mp);
return Err("BUG: initial Stack was not contiguous in virtual memory");
// Initialize the kernel heap.
let heap_start = KERNEL_HEAP_START;
let heap_initial_size = KERNEL_HEAP_INITIAL_SIZE;
let heap_mapped_pages = {
let pages = memory::allocate_pages_by_bytes_at(VirtualAddress::new_canonical(heap_start), heap_initial_size)?;
debug!("Initial heap starts at: {:#X}, size: {:#X}, pages: {:?}", heap_start, heap_initial_size, pages);
let heap_mp = page_table.map_allocated_pages(pages, HEAP_FLAGS).map_err(|e| {
error!("Failed to map kernel heap memory pages, {} bytes starting at virtual address {:#X}. Error: {:?}",
"Failed to map the kernel heap memory. Perhaps the KERNEL_HEAP_INITIAL_SIZE \
exceeds the size of the system's physical memory?"
heap::init_single_heap(heap_start, heap_initial_size);
debug!("Mapped and initialized the initial heap");
// Initialize memory management post heap intialization: set up kernel stack allocator and kernel memory management info.
let kernel_mmi_ref = memory::init_post_heap(
// Because bootloader modules may overlap with the actual boot information,
// we need to preserve those records here in a separate list,
// such that we can unmap the boot info pages & frames here but still access that info in the future.
let bootloader_modules: Vec<BootloaderModule> = boot_info.modules()
.map(|m| m.name().map(|module_name|
BootloaderModule::new(m.start(), m.start() + m.len(), String::from(module_name))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>() // collect the `Vec<Result<...>>` into `Result<Vec<...>>`
.map_err(|_e| "BUG: Bootloader module had invalid non-UTF8 name (cmdline) string")?;
// Now that we've recorded the rest of the necessary boot info, we can drop the boot_info_mapped_pages.
// This frees up those frames such that future code can exclusively map and access those pages/frames.