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//! Traits for items that are "Lockable", e.g., `Mutex`es.
extern crate spin;
extern crate sync_irq;
use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
/// A trait representing types that can be locked, e.g., `Mutex`es.
/// It also can represent types like `RwLock` (read-write lock)
/// that allow multiple concurrent readers but only one concurrent writer.
/// Note: an optional design choice would be to remove the generic `T` parameter
/// and instead assign it as an associated type, e.g., `type Inner: 't`.
pub trait Lockable<'t, T: 't + ?Sized> {
/// The immutable "guard" type returned by the [`Self::lock()`] function.
type Guard: Deref<Target = T>;
/// The mutable "guard" type returned by the [`Self::lock_mut()`] function.
/// For locks like `RwLock` that differentiate between read-only and read-write locks,
/// this should be set to the read-write guard type.
/// For locks like `Mutex` that only have one locking function,
/// this should be set to the same type as [`Self::Guard`].
type GuardMut: DerefMut<Target = T>;
/// Obtain the lock in a blocking fashion,
/// returning an immutable guard that dereferences into the inner data.
fn lock(&'t self) -> Self::Guard;
/// Attempt to obtain the lock in a non-blocking fashion,
/// returning an immutable guard that dereferences into the inner data.
/// If the lock is already locked, this returns `None`.
fn try_lock(&'t self) -> Option<Self::Guard>;
/// Obtain the lock in a blocking fashion,
/// returning a mutable guard that dereferences into the inner data.
fn lock_mut(&'t self) -> Self::GuardMut;
/// Attempt to obtain the lock in a non-blocking fashion,
/// returning a mutable guard that dereferences into the inner data.
/// If the lock is already locked, this returns `None`.
fn try_lock_mut(&'t self) -> Option<Self::GuardMut>;
/// Returns `true` if this lock is currently locked.
/// For types like `RwLock` that can lock in a read-only or read-write manner,
/// this should return `true` if the singular writer lock is obtained,
/// and `false` if only the reader lock is obtained.
fn is_locked(&self) -> bool;
/// Returns a mutable reference to the underlying data.
fn get_mut(&'t mut self) -> &'t mut T;
/// An extension of the [`Lockable`] trait that adds the `into_inner()` method
/// only for types `T` that are `Sized`.
pub trait LockableSized<'t, T: 't + Sized>: Lockable<'t, T> {
/// Consumes the lock, returning the underlying data.
fn into_inner(self) -> T;
/// Implement `Lockable` for [`spin::Mutex`].
impl<'t, T> Lockable<'t, T> for spin::Mutex<T> where T: 't + ?Sized {
type Guard = spin::MutexGuard<'t, T>;
type GuardMut = Self::Guard;
fn lock(&'t self) -> Self::Guard { self.lock() }
fn try_lock(&'t self) -> Option<Self::Guard> { self.try_lock() }
fn lock_mut(&'t self) -> Self::GuardMut { self.lock() }
fn try_lock_mut(&'t self) -> Option<Self::GuardMut> { self.try_lock() }
fn is_locked(&self) -> bool { self.is_locked() }
fn get_mut(&'t mut self) -> &mut T { self.get_mut() }
/// Implement `LockableSized` for [`spin::Mutex`].
impl<'t, T> LockableSized<'t, T> for spin::Mutex<T> where T: 't + Sized {
fn into_inner(self) -> T { self.into_inner() }
/// Implement `Lockable` for [`spin::RwLock`].
impl<'t, T> Lockable<'t, T> for spin::RwLock<T> where T: 't + ?Sized {
type Guard = spin::RwLockReadGuard<'t, T>;
type GuardMut = spin::RwLockWriteGuard<'t, T>;
fn lock(&'t self) -> Self::Guard { self.read() }
fn try_lock(&'t self) -> Option<Self::Guard> { self.try_read() }
fn lock_mut(&'t self) -> Self::GuardMut { self.write() }
fn try_lock_mut(&'t self) -> Option<Self::GuardMut> { self.try_write() }
fn is_locked(&self) -> bool { self.writer_count() > 0 }
fn get_mut(&'t mut self) -> &mut T { self.get_mut() }
/// Implement `LockableSized` for [`spin::RwLock`].
impl<'t, T> LockableSized<'t, T> for spin::RwLock<T> where T: 't + Sized {
fn into_inner(self) -> T { self.into_inner() }
/// Implement `Lockable` for [`sync_irq::IrqSafeMutex`].
impl<'t, T> Lockable<'t, T> for sync_irq::IrqSafeMutex<T> where T: 't {
type Guard = sync_irq::IrqSafeMutexGuard<'t, T>;
type GuardMut = Self::Guard;
fn lock(&'t self) -> Self::Guard { self.lock() }
fn try_lock(&'t self) -> Option<Self::Guard> { self.try_lock() }
fn lock_mut(&'t self) -> Self::GuardMut { self.lock() }
fn try_lock_mut(&'t self) -> Option<Self::GuardMut> { self.try_lock() }
fn is_locked(&self) -> bool { self.is_locked() }
fn get_mut(&'t mut self) -> &mut T { self.get_mut() }
/// Implement `LockableSized` for [`sync_irq::IrqSafeMutex`].
impl<'t, T> LockableSized<'t, T> for sync_irq::IrqSafeMutex<T> where T: 't + Sized {
fn into_inner(self) -> T { self.into_inner() }
/// Implement `Lockable` for [`sync_irq::IrqSafeRwLock`].
impl<'t, T> Lockable<'t, T> for sync_irq::IrqSafeRwLock<T> where T: 't {
type Guard = sync_irq::IrqSafeRwLockReadGuard<'t, T>;
type GuardMut = sync_irq::IrqSafeRwLockWriteGuard<'t, T>;
fn lock(&'t self) -> Self::Guard { self.read() }
fn try_lock(&'t self) -> Option<Self::Guard> { self.try_read() }
fn lock_mut(&'t self) -> Self::GuardMut { self.write() }
fn try_lock_mut(&'t self) -> Option<Self::GuardMut> { self.try_write() }
fn is_locked(&self) -> bool { self.writer_count() > 0 }
fn get_mut(&'t mut self) -> &mut T { self.get_mut() }
/// Implement `LockableSized` for [`sync_irq::IrqSafeRwLock`].
impl<'t, T> LockableSized<'t, T> for sync_irq::IrqSafeRwLock<T> where T: 't + Sized {
fn into_inner(self) -> T { self.into_inner() }