//! Types for interrupt-safe operations, i.e., avoiding deadlock when
//! sharing data between a regular thread context and an interrupt handler context.
//! Key types include:
//! * [`HeldInterrupts`]: a guard type that auto-reenables interrupts when dropped,
//! only if they were originally enabled when the guard was created.
//! * [ MutexIrqSafe`] and [`RwLockIrqSafe`]: spinlock wrappers that use [`spin::Mutex`]
//! and [`spin::RwLock`] internally to auto-disable interrupts for the duration of
//! the lock being held.
extern crate spin;
pub use mutex_irqsafe::*;
pub use rwlock_irqsafe::*;
pub use held_interrupts::*;
mod mutex_irqsafe;
mod rwlock_irqsafe;
mod held_interrupts;