1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398
//! The different descriptor types used by Intel NICs.
//! Usually the newer NICs use more advanced descriptor types but retain support for older ones.
//! The difference in the types is the amount of packet information that is included in the descriptor, and the format.
use memory::PhysicalAddress;
use volatile::{Volatile, ReadOnly};
use bit_field::BitField;
use zerocopy::FromBytes;
// Transmit descriptor bits
/// Tx Command: End of Packet
pub const TX_CMD_EOP: u8 = 1 << 0;
/// Tx Command: Insert MAC FCS
pub const TX_CMD_IFCS: u8 = 1 << 1;
/// Tx Command: Insert Checksum
pub const TX_CMD_IC: u8 = 1 << 2;
/// Tx Command: Report Status
pub const TX_CMD_RS: u8 = 1 << 3;
/// Tx Command: Report Packet Sent
pub const TX_CMD_RPS: u8 = 1 << 4;
/// Tx Command: Descriptor Extension (Advanced format)
pub const TX_CMD_DEXT: u8 = 1 << 5;
/// Tx Command: VLAN Packet Enable
pub const TX_CMD_VLE: u8 = 1 << 6;
/// Tx Command: Interrupt Delay Enable
pub const TX_CMD_IDE: u8 = 1 << 7;
/// Tx Status: descriptor Done
pub const TX_STATUS_DD: u8 = 1 << 0;
/// Tx Descriptor Type: advanced
pub const TX_DTYP_ADV: u8 = 0x3 << 4;
/// Tx Descriptor paylen shift
/// The paylen is located at bit 46 in the upper 64 bits of the advanced Tx descriptor.
/// Since we have divided the upper 64 bits into 4 parts (u16,u8,u8,u32),
/// the paylen is then located at bit 14 of the upper 32 bits of the descriptor.
pub const TX_PAYLEN_SHIFT: u8 = 46 - 32; //(actual offset - offset of variable)
// Receive descriptor bits
/// Rx Status: Descriptor Done
pub const RX_STATUS_DD: u8 = 1 << 0;
/// Rx Status: End of Packet
pub const RX_STATUS_EOP: u8 = 1 << 1;
/// A trait for the minimum set of functions needed to receive a packet using one of Intel's receive descriptor types.
/// Receive descriptors contain the physical address where an incoming packet should be stored by the NIC,
/// as well as bits that are updated by the HW once the packet is received.
/// There is one receive descriptor per receive buffer.
/// Receive functions defined in the Network_Interface_Card crate expect a receive descriptor to implement this trait.
pub trait RxDescriptor: FromBytes {
/// Initializes a receive descriptor by clearing its status
/// and setting the descriptor's physical address.
/// # Arguments
/// * `packet_buffer_address`: starting physical address of the receive buffer.
fn init(&mut self, packet_buffer_address: PhysicalAddress);
/// Updates the descriptor's physical address.
/// # Arguments
/// * `packet_buffer_address`: starting physical address of the receive buffer.
fn set_packet_address(&mut self, packet_buffer_address: PhysicalAddress);
/// Clears the status bits of the descriptor.
fn reset_status(&mut self);
/// Returns true if the descriptor has a received packet copied to its buffer.
fn descriptor_done(&self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if the descriptor's packet buffer is the last in a frame.
fn end_of_packet(&self) -> bool;
/// The length of the packet in the descriptor's packet buffer.
fn length(&self) -> u64;
/// A trait for the minimum set of functions needed to transmit a packet using one of Intel's transmit descriptor types.
/// Transmit descriptors contain the physical address where an outgoing packet is stored,
/// as well as bits that are updated by the HW once the packet is sent.
/// There is one transmit descriptor per transmit buffer.
/// Transmit functions defined in the Network_Interface_Card crate expect a transmit descriptor to implement this trait.
pub trait TxDescriptor: FromBytes {
/// Initializes a transmit descriptor by clearing all of its values.
fn init(&mut self);
/// Updates the transmit descriptor to send the packet.
/// We assume that one transmit descriptor will be used to send one packet.
/// # Arguments
/// * `transmit_buffer_addr`: physical address of the transmit buffer.
/// * `transmit_buffer_length`: length of packet we want to send.
fn send(&mut self, transmit_buffer_addr: PhysicalAddress, transmit_buffer_length: u16);
/// Polls the Descriptor Done bit until the packet has been sent.
fn wait_for_packet_tx(&self);
/// This struct is a Legacy Transmit Descriptor.
/// It's the descriptor type used in older Intel NICs and the E1000 driver.
pub struct LegacyTxDescriptor {
/// The starting physical address of the transmit buffer
pub phys_addr: Volatile<u64>,
/// Length of the transmit buffer in bytes
pub length: Volatile<u16>,
/// Checksum offset: where to insert the checksum from the start of the packet if enabled
pub cso: Volatile<u8>,
/// Command bits
pub cmd: Volatile<u8>,
/// Status bits
pub status: Volatile<u8>,
/// Checksum start: where to begin computing the checksum, if enabled
pub css: Volatile<u8>,
/// Vlan tags
pub vlan : Volatile<u16>,
impl TxDescriptor for LegacyTxDescriptor {
fn init(&mut self) {
fn send(&mut self, transmit_buffer_addr: PhysicalAddress, transmit_buffer_length: u16) {
self.phys_addr.write(transmit_buffer_addr.value() as u64);
self.cmd.write(TX_CMD_EOP | TX_CMD_IFCS | TX_CMD_RPS | TX_CMD_RS);
fn wait_for_packet_tx(&self) {
while (self.status.read() & TX_STATUS_DD) == 0 {
// debug!("tx desc status: {}", self.status.read());
impl fmt::Debug for LegacyTxDescriptor {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{{addr: {:#X}, length: {}, cso: {}, cmd: {}, status: {}, css: {}, special: {}}}",
self.phys_addr.read(), self.length.read(), self.cso.read(), self.cmd.read(), self.status.read(), self.css.read(), self.vlan.read())
/// This struct is a Legacy Receive Descriptor.
/// The driver writes to the upper 64 bits, and the NIC writes to the lower 64 bits.
/// It's the descriptor type used in older Intel NICs and the E1000 driver.
pub struct LegacyRxDescriptor {
/// The starting physical address of the receive buffer
pub phys_addr: Volatile<u64>,
/// Length of the receive buffer in bytes
pub length: ReadOnly<u16>,
/// Checksum value of the packet after the IP header till the end
pub checksum: ReadOnly<u16>,
/// Status bits which tell if the descriptor has been used
pub status: Volatile<u8>,
/// Receive errors
pub errors: ReadOnly<u8>,
/// Vlan tags
pub vlan: ReadOnly<u16>,
impl RxDescriptor for LegacyRxDescriptor {
fn init(&mut self, packet_buffer_address: PhysicalAddress) {
self.phys_addr.write(packet_buffer_address.value() as u64);
fn set_packet_address(&mut self, packet_buffer_address: PhysicalAddress) {
self.phys_addr.write(packet_buffer_address.value() as u64);
fn reset_status(&mut self) {
fn descriptor_done(&self) -> bool {
(self.status.read() & RX_STATUS_DD) == RX_STATUS_DD
fn end_of_packet(&self) -> bool {
(self.status.read() & RX_STATUS_EOP) == RX_STATUS_EOP
fn length(&self) -> u64 {
self.length.read() as u64
use core::fmt;
impl fmt::Debug for LegacyRxDescriptor {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{{addr: {:#X}, length: {}, checksum: {}, status: {}, errors: {}, special: {}}}",
self.phys_addr.read(), self.length.read(), self.checksum.read(), self.status.read(), self.errors.read(), self.vlan.read())
/// Advanced Receive Descriptor used in the Ixgbe driver.
/// It has 2 modes: Read and Write Back, both of which use the whole 128 bits.
/// There is one receive descriptor per receive buffer that can be converted between these 2 modes.
/// Read contains the addresses that the driver writes.
/// Write Back contains information the hardware writes on receiving a packet.
/// More information can be found in the 82599 datasheet.
pub struct AdvancedRxDescriptor {
/// Starting physcal address of the receive buffer for the packet.
pub packet_buffer_address: Volatile<u64>,
/// Starting physcal address of the receive buffer for the header.
/// This field will only be used if header splitting is enabled.
pub header_buffer_address: Volatile<u64>,
impl RxDescriptor for AdvancedRxDescriptor {
fn init (&mut self, packet_buffer_address: PhysicalAddress) {
self.packet_buffer_address.write(packet_buffer_address.value() as u64);
// set the header address to 0 because packet splitting is not supposed to be enabled in the 82599
fn set_packet_address(&mut self, packet_buffer_address: PhysicalAddress) {
self.packet_buffer_address.write(packet_buffer_address.value() as u64);
fn reset_status(&mut self) {
fn descriptor_done(&self) -> bool{
(self.get_ext_status() & RX_STATUS_DD as u64) == RX_STATUS_DD as u64
fn end_of_packet(&self) -> bool {
(self.get_ext_status() & RX_STATUS_EOP as u64) == RX_STATUS_EOP as u64
fn length(&self) -> u64 {
impl AdvancedRxDescriptor {
/// Write Back mode function for the Advanced Receive Descriptor.
/// Returns the packet type that was used for the Receive Side Scaling hash function.
pub fn get_rss_type(&self) -> u64{
/// Write Back mode function for the Advanced Receive Descriptor.
/// Returns the packet type as identified by the hardware.
pub fn get_packet_type(&self) -> u64{
/// Write Back mode function for the Advanced Receive Descriptor.
/// Returns the number of Receive Side Coalesced packets that start in this descriptor.
pub fn get_rsccnt(&self) -> u64{
/// Write Back mode function for the Advanced Receive Descriptor.
/// Returns the size of the packet header in bytes.
pub fn get_hdr_len(&self) -> u64{
/// Write Back mode function for the Advanced Receive Descriptor.
/// When set to 1b, indicates that the hardware has found the length of the header.
pub fn get_sph(&self) -> bool{
/// Write Back mode function for the Advanced Receive Descriptor.
/// Returns the Receive Side Scaling hash.
pub fn get_rss_hash(&self) -> u64{
/// Write Back mode function for the Advanced Receive Descriptor.
/// Returns the Flow Director Filter ID if the packet matches a filter.
pub fn get_fdf_id(&self) -> u64{
/// Write Back mode function for the Advanced Receive Descriptor.
/// Status information indicates whether a descriptor has been used
/// and whether the buffer is the last one for a packet
pub fn get_ext_status(&self) -> u64{
/// Write Back mode function for the Advanced Receive Descriptor.
/// Returns errors reported by hardware for different packet types
pub fn get_ext_error(&self) -> u64{
/// Write Back mode function for the Advanced Receive Descriptor.
/// Returns the number of bytes posted to the packet buffer
pub fn get_pkt_len(&self) -> u64{
/// Write Back mode function for the Advanced Receive Descriptor.
/// If the vlan header is stripped from the packet, then the 16 bits of the VLAN tag are posted here
pub fn get_vlan_tag(&self) -> u64{
impl fmt::Debug for AdvancedRxDescriptor {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{{Packet buffer address: {:#X}, Packet header address: {:#X}}}",
self.packet_buffer_address.read(), self.header_buffer_address.read())
/// Advanced Transmit Descriptor used by the `ixgbe` NIC driver.
/// # Two usage modes
/// It has 2 modes: Read and Write Back, both of which use the whole 128 bits.
/// There is one transmit descriptor per transmit buffer; it can be converted between these 2 modes.
/// Read contains the addresses that the driver writes.
/// Write Back contains information the hardware writes on receiving a packet.
/// More information can be found in the 82599 datasheet.
pub struct AdvancedTxDescriptor {
/// Starting physical address of the receive buffer for the packet.
pub packet_buffer_address: Volatile<u64>,
/// Length of data buffer
pub data_len: Volatile<u16>,
/// A multi-part field:
/// * `dtyp`: Descriptor Type, occupies bits `[7:4]`,
/// * `mac`: options to apply LinkSec and time stamp, occupies bits `[3:2]`.
pub dtyp_mac_rsv : Volatile<u8>,
/// Command bits
pub dcmd: Volatile<u8>,
/// A multi-part field:
/// * `paylen`: the size in bytes of the data buffer in host memory.
/// not including the fields that the hardware adds), occupies bits `[31:14]`.
/// * `popts`: options to offload checksum calculation, occupies bits `[13:8]`.
/// * `sta`: status of the descriptor (whether it's in use or not), occupies bits `[3:0]`.
pub paylen_popts_cc_idx_sta: Volatile<u32>,
impl TxDescriptor for AdvancedTxDescriptor {
fn init(&mut self) {
fn send(&mut self, transmit_buffer_addr: PhysicalAddress, transmit_buffer_length: u16) {
self.packet_buffer_address.write(transmit_buffer_addr.value() as u64);
self.paylen_popts_cc_idx_sta.write((transmit_buffer_length as u32) << TX_PAYLEN_SHIFT);
self.dcmd.write(TX_CMD_DEXT | TX_CMD_RS | TX_CMD_IFCS | TX_CMD_EOP);
fn wait_for_packet_tx(&self) {
while (self.paylen_popts_cc_idx_sta.read() as u8 & TX_STATUS_DD) == 0 {
// error!("tx desc status: {:#X}", self.paylen_popts_cc_idx_sta.read());
impl fmt::Debug for AdvancedTxDescriptor {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
.field("packet buffer address", &self.packet_buffer_address.read())
.field("data len", &self.data_len.read())
.field("dtype_mac_rsv", &self.dtyp_mac_rsv.read())
.field("dcmd", &self.dcmd.read())
.field("paylen_popts_cc_idx_sta", &self.paylen_popts_cc_idx_sta.read())