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extern crate alloc;
use alloc::string::String;
use keycodes_ascii::KeyEvent;
use mouse_data::MouseEvent;
use shapes::{Coord, Rectangle};
/// An event describing mouse position rather than movement differential from last event.
/// It contains two position, `coodinate` for the relative position in each window, and `gcoordinate` for global absolute position of the screen.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MousePositionEvent {
/// the relative position in window
pub coordinate: Coord,
/// the global position in window
pub gcoordinate: Coord,
/// whether the mouse is scrolling up
pub scrolling_up: bool,
/// whether the mouse is scrolling down
pub scrolling_down: bool,
/// whether the left button holds
pub left_button_hold: bool,
/// whether the right button holds
pub right_button_hold: bool,
/// whether the fourth button holds
pub fourth_button_hold: bool,
/// whether the fifth button holds
pub fifth_button_hold: bool,
impl Default for MousePositionEvent {
fn default() -> Self {
MousePositionEvent {
coordinate: Coord::new(0, 0),
gcoordinate: Coord::new(0, 0),
scrolling_up: false,
scrolling_down: false,
left_button_hold: false,
right_button_hold: false,
fourth_button_hold: false,
fifth_button_hold: false,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Event {
/// An input event from a keyboard
/// An input event from a mouse
/// An event indicating that another entity wants to print the given `String`.
/// Tells an application that the window manager has resized or moved its window
/// so that it knows to refresh its display and perform any necessary tasks, such as text reflow.
/// The new position and size of the window is given by the `Rectangle` within,
/// and represents the content area within the window that is accessible to the application,
/// which excludes the window title bar, borders, etc.
/// The event tells application about mouse's position currently (including relative to a window and relative to a screen)
impl Event {
/// Create a new keyboard event
pub fn new_keyboard_event(kev: KeyEvent) -> Event {
/// Create a new output event
pub fn new_output_event<S>(s: S) -> Event
S: Into<String>,
/// Create a new window resize event
pub fn new_window_resize_event(new_position: Rectangle) -> Event {
/// A keyboard event, indicating that one or more keys were pressed or released.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct KeyboardInputEvent {
/// The key input event from i/o device
pub key_event: KeyEvent,
impl KeyboardInputEvent {
/// Create a new key board input event. `key` is the key input from the keyboard
pub fn new(key_event: KeyEvent) -> KeyboardInputEvent {
KeyboardInputEvent { key_event }