1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
//! This crate contains structures and routines for context switching
//! when AVX extensions are enabled.
extern crate zerocopy;
#[macro_use] extern crate context_switch_regular;
use context_switch_regular::ContextRegular;
use zerocopy::FromBytes;
pub use context_switch_regular::read_first_register;
/// The registers saved before a context switch and restored after a context switch
/// for AVX-enabled Tasks.
/// Note: the order of the registers here MUST MATCH the order of
/// registers popped in the [`restore_registers_avx!`] macro.
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct ContextAVX {
ymm15: [u128; 2],
ymm14: [u128; 2],
ymm13: [u128; 2],
ymm12: [u128; 2],
ymm11: [u128; 2],
ymm10: [u128; 2],
ymm9: [u128; 2],
ymm8: [u128; 2],
ymm7: [u128; 2],
ymm6: [u128; 2],
ymm5: [u128; 2],
ymm4: [u128; 2],
ymm3: [u128; 2],
ymm2: [u128; 2],
ymm1: [u128; 2],
ymm0: [u128; 2],
regular: ContextRegular,
impl ContextAVX {
/// Creates a new ContextAVX struct that will cause the
/// AVX-enabled Task containing it to begin its execution at the given `rip`.
pub fn new(rip: usize) -> ContextAVX {
ContextAVX {
ymm15: [0, 0],
ymm14: [0, 0],
ymm13: [0, 0],
ymm12: [0, 0],
ymm11: [0, 0],
ymm10: [0, 0],
ymm9: [0, 0],
ymm8: [0, 0],
ymm7: [0, 0],
ymm6: [0, 0],
ymm5: [0, 0],
ymm4: [0, 0],
ymm3: [0, 0],
ymm2: [0, 0],
ymm1: [0, 0],
ymm0: [0, 0],
regular: ContextRegular::new(rip),
/// Sets the value of the first regular (non-AVX) register to the given `value`.
/// This is useful for storing a value (e.g., task ID) in that register
/// and then recovering it later with [`read_first_register()`].
/// On x86_64, this sets the `r15` register.
pub fn set_first_register(&mut self, value: usize) {
/// An assembly block for saving AVX registers
/// by pushing them onto the stack.
macro_rules! save_registers_avx {
() => (
// Save all of the ymm registers (for AVX).
// Each register is 32 bytes (256 bits), and there are 16 of them.
lea rsp, [rsp - 32*16]
vmovups [rsp + 32*0], ymm0 # push ymm0
vmovups [rsp + 32*1], ymm1 # push ymm1
vmovups [rsp + 32*2], ymm2 # push ymm2
vmovups [rsp + 32*3], ymm3 # push ymm3
vmovups [rsp + 32*4], ymm4 # push ymm4
vmovups [rsp + 32*5], ymm5 # push ymm5
vmovups [rsp + 32*6], ymm6 # push ymm6
vmovups [rsp + 32*7], ymm7 # push ymm7
vmovups [rsp + 32*8], ymm8 # push ymm8
vmovups [rsp + 32*9], ymm9 # push ymm9
vmovups [rsp + 32*10], ymm10 # push ymm10
vmovups [rsp + 32*11], ymm11 # push ymm11
vmovups [rsp + 32*12], ymm12 # push ymm12
vmovups [rsp + 32*13], ymm13 # push ymm13
vmovups [rsp + 32*14], ymm14 # push ymm14
vmovups [rsp + 32*15], ymm15 # push ymm15
/// An assembly block for restoring AVX registers
/// by popping them off of the stack.
macro_rules! restore_registers_avx {
() => (
// restore all of the ymm registers
vmovups ymm15, [rsp + 32*15] # pop ymm15
vmovups ymm14, [rsp + 32*14] # pop ymm14
vmovups ymm13, [rsp + 32*13] # pop ymm13
vmovups ymm12, [rsp + 32*12] # pop ymm12
vmovups ymm11, [rsp + 32*11] # pop ymm11
vmovups ymm10, [rsp + 32*10] # pop ymm10
vmovups ymm9, [rsp + 32*9] # pop ymm9
vmovups ymm8, [rsp + 32*8] # pop ymm8
vmovups ymm7, [rsp + 32*7] # pop ymm7
vmovups ymm5, [rsp + 32*5] # pop ymm5
vmovups ymm6, [rsp + 32*6] # pop ymm6
vmovups ymm4, [rsp + 32*4] # pop ymm4
vmovups ymm3, [rsp + 32*3] # pop ymm3
vmovups ymm2, [rsp + 32*2] # pop ymm2
vmovups ymm1, [rsp + 32*1] # pop ymm1
vmovups ymm0, [rsp + 32*0] # pop ymm0
lea rsp, [rsp + 32*16]
/// Switches context from an AVX Task to another AVX Task.
/// # Arguments
/// * First argument (in `RDI`): mutable pointer to the previous task's stack pointer
/// * Second argument (in `RSI`): the value of the next task's stack pointer
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because it changes the content on both task's stacks.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn context_switch_avx(_prev_stack_pointer: *mut usize, _next_stack_pointer_value: usize) {
// Since this is a naked function that expects its arguments in two registers,
// you CANNOT place any log statements or other instructions here
// before, in between, or after anything below.