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//! This crate defines a trait of `Compositor` .
//! A compositor composites a list of sources buffers to a single destination buffer.
extern crate framebuffer;
extern crate shapes;
use core::iter::IntoIterator;
use framebuffer::{Framebuffer, Pixel};
use shapes::{Coord, Rectangle};
use core::ops::Range;
/// A compositor composites (combines or blends) a series of "source" framebuffers onto a single "destination" framebuffer.
/// The type parameter `B` allows a compositor to support multiple types of regions or "bounding boxes",
/// given by the trait bound `CompositableRegion`.
pub trait Compositor {
/// Composites the framebuffers in the list of source framebuffers `src_fbs` onto the destination framebuffer `dest_fb`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `src_fbs`: an iterator over the source framebuffers to be composited,
/// along with where in the `dest_fb` they should be composited.
/// * `dest_fb`: the destination framebuffer that will hold the source framebuffers to be composited.
/// * `dest_bounding_boxes`: an iterator over bounding boxes that specify which regions
/// in the destination framebuffer should be updated.
/// For each source framebuffer in `src_fbs`, the compositor will iterate over every bounding box
/// and find the corresponding region in that source framebuffer and then blend that region into the destination.
/// For example, if the window manager wants to draw a new partially-transparent window,
/// it will pass the framebuffers for all existing windows plus the new window (in bottom-to-top order)
/// to the compositor, in the argument `src_fbs`.
/// The `dest_fb` would be the final framebuffer mapped to the display device (screen memory),
/// and the `bounding_boxes` would be an iterator over just a single region in the final framebuffer
/// where that new window will be located.
/// When the source framebuffers are composited from bottom to top, the compositor will redraw the region of every source framebuffer
/// that intersects with that bounding box.
/// For another example, suppose the window manager wants to draw a transparent mouse pointer on top of all windows.
/// It will pass the framebuffers of existing windows as well as a top framebuffer that contains the mouse pointer image.
/// In this case, the `bounding_boxes` could be the coordinates of all individual pixels in the mouse pointer image
/// (expressed as coordinates in the final framebuffer).
fn composite<'a, B: CompositableRegion + Clone, P: 'a + Pixel>(
&mut self,
src_fbs: impl IntoIterator<Item = FramebufferUpdates<'a, P>>,
dest_fb: &mut Framebuffer<P>,
dest_bounding_boxes: impl IntoIterator<Item = B> + Clone,
) -> Result<(), &'static str>;
/// A source framebuffer to be composited, along with its target position.
pub struct FramebufferUpdates<'a, P: Pixel> {
/// The source framebuffer to be composited.
pub src_framebuffer: &'a Framebuffer<P>,
/// The coordinate in the destination framebuffer where the source `framebuffer`
/// should be composited.
/// This coordinate is expressed relative to the top-left corner of the destination framebuffer.
pub coordinate_in_dest_framebuffer: Coord,
/// A `CompositableRegion` is an abstract region (i.e., a bounding box)
/// that can optimize the compositing (blending) of one framebuffer into another framebuffer
/// according to the specifics of the region's shape.
/// For example, a single 2-D point (`Coord`) offers no real room for optimization
/// because only one pixel will be composited,
/// but a rectangle **does** allow for optimization, as a large chunk of pixels can be composited all at once.
/// In addition, a `CompositableRegion` makes it easier for a compositor to only composite pixels in a subset of a given source framebuffer
/// rather than forcing it to composite the whole framebuffer, which vastly improves performance.
pub trait CompositableRegion {
/// Returns the number of pixels in the region.
fn size(&self) -> usize;
/// Returns the range of rows covered by this region,
/// given as row indices where row `0` is the top row in the region.
fn row_range(&self) -> Range<isize>;
/// Blends the pixels in the source framebuffer `src_fb` within the range of rows (`src_fb_row_range`)
/// into the pixels in the destination framebuffer `dest_fb`.
/// The `dest_coord` is the coordinate in the destination buffer (relative to its top-left corner)
/// where the `src_fb` will be composited (starting at the `src_fb`'s top-left corner).
/// `src_fb_row_range` is the index range of rows in the source framebuffer to blend.
fn blend_buffers<P: Pixel>(
src_fb: &Framebuffer<P>,
dest_fb: &mut Framebuffer<P>,
dest_coord: Coord,
src_fb_row_range: Range<usize>
) -> Result<(), &'static str>;
impl CompositableRegion for Coord {
fn row_range(&self) -> Range<isize> {
self.y..self.y + 1
fn size(&self) -> usize {
fn blend_buffers<P: Pixel>(
src_fb: &Framebuffer<P>,
dest_fb: &mut Framebuffer<P>,
dest_coord: Coord,
_src_fb_row_range: Range<usize>,
) -> Result<(), &'static str>{
let relative_coord = *self - dest_coord;
if let Some(pixel) = src_fb.get_pixel(relative_coord) {
dest_fb.draw_pixel(*self, pixel);
impl CompositableRegion for Rectangle {
fn row_range(&self) -> Range<isize> {
fn size(&self) -> usize {
(self.bottom_right.x - self.top_left.x) as usize * (self.bottom_right.y - self.top_left.y) as usize
fn blend_buffers<P: Pixel>(
src_fb: &Framebuffer<P>,
dest_fb: &mut Framebuffer<P>,
dest_coord: Coord,
src_fb_row_range: Range<usize>,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let (dest_width, dest_height) = dest_fb.get_size();
let (src_width, src_height) = src_fb.get_size();
let start_y = core::cmp::max(src_fb_row_range.start as isize + dest_coord.y, self.top_left.y);
let end_y = core::cmp::min(src_fb_row_range.end as isize + dest_coord.y, self.bottom_right.y);
// skip if the updated part is not in the dest framebuffer
let dest_start = Coord::new(
core::cmp::max(0, self.top_left.x),
core::cmp::max(0, start_y)
let dest_end = Coord::new(
core::cmp::min(dest_width as isize, self.bottom_right.x),
core::cmp::min(dest_height as isize, end_y)
if dest_end.x < 0
|| dest_start.x > dest_width as isize
|| dest_end.y < 0
|| dest_start.y > dest_height as isize
return Ok(());
// skip if the updated part is not in the source framebuffer
let coordinate_start = dest_start - dest_coord;
let coordinate_end = dest_end - dest_coord;
if coordinate_end.x < 0
|| coordinate_start.x > src_width as isize
|| coordinate_end.y < 0
|| coordinate_start.y > src_height as isize
return Ok(());
let src_x_start = core::cmp::max(0, coordinate_start.x) as usize;
let src_y_start = core::cmp::max(0, coordinate_start.y) as usize;
// draw only the part within the dest buffer
let width = core::cmp::min(coordinate_end.x as usize, src_width) - src_x_start;
let height = core::cmp::min(coordinate_end.y as usize, src_height) - src_y_start;
// copy every line of the block to the dest framebuffer.
let src_buffer = &src_fb.buffer();
for i in 0..height {
let src_start = Coord::new(src_x_start as isize, (src_y_start + i) as isize);
let src_start_index = match src_fb.index_of(src_start) {
Some(index) => index,
None => {continue;}
let src_end_index = src_start_index + width;
let dest_start = src_start + dest_coord;
let dest_start_index = match dest_fb.index_of(dest_start) {
Some(index) => index,
None => {continue;}
dest_fb.composite_buffer(&src_buffer[src_start_index..src_end_index], dest_start_index);