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//! Routines for booting up secondary CPU cores,
//! aka application processors (APs) on x86_64.
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::collections::BTreeMap;
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use log::{error, info};
use cpu::CpuId;
use irq_safety::enable_interrupts;
use sync_irq::IrqSafeMutex;
use memory::{VirtualAddress, get_kernel_mmi_ref};
use stack::Stack;
use no_drop::NoDrop;
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
use {
/// An atomic flag used for synchronizing progress between the BSP
/// and the AP that is currently being booted.
/// False means the AP hasn't started or hasn't yet finished booting.
pub static AP_READY_FLAG: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
/// Temporary storage for transferring allocated `Stack`s from
/// the main bootstrap processor (BSP) to the AP processor being booted in `kstart_ap()` below.
static AP_STACKS: IrqSafeMutex<BTreeMap<u32, NoDrop<Stack>>> = IrqSafeMutex::new(BTreeMap::new());
/// Insert a new stack that was allocated for the AP with the given `cpu_id`.
pub fn insert_ap_stack(cpu_id: u32, stack: Stack) {
AP_STACKS.lock().insert(cpu_id, NoDrop::new(stack));
/// Remove the stack that was allocated for the AP with the given `cpu_id`.
pub fn take_ap_stack(cpu_id: u32) -> Option<NoDrop<Stack>> {
/// Entry to rust for an AP.
/// The arguments must match the invocation order in "ap_boot.asm"
pub fn kstart_ap(
processor_id: u32,
cpu_id: CpuId,
_stack_start: VirtualAddress,
_stack_end: VirtualAddress,
nmi_lint: u8,
nmi_flags: u16,
) -> ! {
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
info!("Booted CPU {}, proc: {}, stack: {:#X} to {:#X}, nmi_lint: {}, nmi_flags: {:#X}",
cpu_id, processor_id, _stack_start, _stack_end, nmi_lint, nmi_flags
// set a flag telling the BSP that this AP has entered Rust code
AP_READY_FLAG.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
// The early TLS image has already been initialized by the bootstrap CPU,
// so all we need to do here is to reload it on this CPU.
// get the stack that was allocated for us (this AP) by the BSP.
let this_ap_stack = take_ap_stack(cpu_id.value()).unwrap_or_else(
|| panic!("BUG: kstart_ap(): couldn't get stack created for CPU {}", cpu_id)
let kernel_mmi_ref = get_kernel_mmi_ref().expect("kstart_ap(): kernel_mmi ref was None");
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] {
// initialize interrupts (including TSS/GDT) for this AP
let (double_fault_stack, privilege_stack) = {
let mut kernel_mmi = kernel_mmi_ref.lock();
stack::alloc_stack(KERNEL_STACK_SIZE_IN_PAGES, &mut kernel_mmi.page_table)
.expect("kstart_ap(): could not allocate double fault stack"),
stack::alloc_stack(1, &mut kernel_mmi.page_table)
.expect("kstart_ap(): could not allocate privilege stack"),
let _idt = interrupts::init_ap(cpu_id, double_fault_stack.top_unusable(), privilege_stack.top_unusable())
.expect("kstart_ap(): failed to initialize interrupts!");
// Initialize this CPU's Local APIC such that we can use everything that depends on APIC IDs.
// This must be done before initializing task spawning, because that relies on the ability to
// enable/disable preemption, which is partially implemented by the Local APIC.
&mut kernel_mmi_ref.lock().page_table,
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")] {
// Register this CPU as online in the system
// This is the equivalent of `LocalApic::init` on aarch64
// Now that the Local APIC has been initialized for this CPU, we can initialize the
// per-CPU storage, tasking, and create the idle task for this CPU.
let bootstrap_task = spawn::init(kernel_mmi_ref.clone(), cpu_id, this_ap_stack).unwrap();
// The PAT must be initialized explicitly on every CPU,
// but it is not a fatal error if it doesn't exist.
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
if page_attribute_table::init().is_err() {
error!("This CPU does not support the Page Attribute Table");
info!("Initialization complete on CPU {}. Enabling interrupts...", cpu_id);
// The following final initialization steps are important, and order matters:
// 1. Drop any other local stack variables that still exist.
// (currently nothing else needs to be dropped)
// 2. "Finish" this bootstrap task, indicating it has exited and no longer needs to run.
// 3. Enable interrupts such that other tasks can be scheduled in.
// ****************************************************
// NOTE: nothing below here is guaranteed to run again!
// ****************************************************
loop {
error!("BUG: ap_start::kstart_ap(): CPU {} bootstrap task was rescheduled after being dead!", cpu_id);